Linux安全网关发行版 ,Zentyal 3.0 正式版发布
jopen 12年前
<p>Zentyal是一份集成的网络服务器,它面向中小型企业提供简易和有效的计算机网络管理。它可以当作网关、基础设施管理工作站、风险管理工作站、办公服 务器、通信服务器或是上述的集成来使用。这些功能被紧密地集成以自动完成大多数任务,并且避免出错和节省系统管理时间。Zentyal遵循GNU公用许可 证(GPL)发布,它运行于Ubuntu之上。<br /> <img title="Linux安全网关发行版 ,Zentyal 3.0 正式版发布" border="0" alt="Linux安全网关发行版 ,Zentyal 3.0 正式版发布" src="" width="90" height="90" /><br /> Zentyal 3.0 正式版发布了,下载地址:</p> <ul> <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958524119629480891">zentyal-3.0-i386.iso</a> (558MB, <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958524119754434764">MD5</a>)</li> <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958524119880407618">zentyal-3.0-amd64.iso</a> (572MB, <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958524120007662514">MD5</a>).</li> </ul> <h4>新版本的亮点:</h4> <ul> <li>New distribution base: Ubuntu 12.04, providing new versions of all the packages and services managed by Zentyal.</li> <li>Improved performance: there is now a global cache to speed up all the requests to the Redis configuration backend. Also, the MVC framework uses now a new model load system to save some CPU processing and to reduce memory usage.</li> <li>Improved reliability: new locking and transactions systems have been developed to avoid any risk of data incoherences or corruptions.</li> <li>Samba 4 integration: a full replacement of the Windows Server Active Directory, which allows Zentyal to join as additional controller of an existing AD Domain.</li> <li>Kerberos integration: single authentication for HTTP Proxy, Mail and Zarafa groupware, in addition to File Sharing which is already provided by Samba.</li> <li>New look & feel for the Web interface along with usability improvements.</li> <li>New Master-Slave architecture: now it's easier than ever to synchronize your users between several Zentyal servers.</li> <li>New UPS module:it helps to keep your server always up and running in case power outages.</li> <li>New Thin Clients module using the popular LTSP software.</li> <li>Reviewed HTTP Proxy with a simpler interface and improved filtering by time period.</li> <li>Zarafa 7.1: a new version of the groupware suite featuring a new web interface, multi-domain support and web chat integration.</li> <li>Support for advanced NAT rules in Firewall module</li> </ul> <p>详细发行内容:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958524120136383363" target="_blank"></a></p> <p> </p>