
jopen 11年前

1. shine.js 

shine.js is a javascript library that lets users create pretty shadows. The plugin works in browsers that support textShadow or boxShadow and auto-prefixes.



2. Hint

Hint by Archer Hsieh is a jQuery plugin that helps users in adding hint to input or textarea.


Demo | Download

3. jQuery Hopscotch

Developed by James Ellis-Jones, Hopscotch is a jQuery plugin helps users to manage and vary page layout for responsive design.


4. simpleTabs

Developed by Masquerade Circus, simpleTabs is a plugin that is Less than 1kb and helps transform content into tabs.


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5. Shuttle

Developed by Archer Hsieh, Shuttle is a jQuery plugin that is a shuttle box ui to help users in different projects.


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6. easyText

Developed by Andres Jorquera, easyText is a plugin that enhances the behaviour of HTML input element of type text, offering some unique features. The plugin provides ajax and localStorage capabilities for saving the input’s value.


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 7. jQuery Color Plugin

Developed by Robert Eisele, Color Plugin is an easy to use color manipulation plugin for jQuery for various projects handling.


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8. Pretty Calendar

Developed by Neel Somani, Pretty Calendar is a plugin that helps generate beautiful jQuery calendars with just a few lines of code.


Demo | Download 

9. Beacons

Beacons by Dan Cobb is a jQuery plugin that reacts when elements scroll into view.


10. jQuery Pagination Plugin

Pagination Plugin by Robert Eisele is probably one of the most advanced jQuery pagination plugin that is developed to help users the best possible way.


Demo | Download 

11. jBox

Developed by Stephan Wagner, jBox is a powerful and flexible jQuery plugin that takes care of all your modal windows, tooltips, notices and much more with ease.



12. jQuery MessageBar

Developed by Audrey Roy, MessageBar is a top bar for notification messages. Dismiss it by clicking the x, it works well with with Django, but that’s optional.


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13. MicrofilmJS 

Developed by Jawish Hameed, MicrofilmJS is a jQuery plugin that is used for displaying a horizontal list of summary slides and expanding the selected slide into a detail view using transition animations.


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14. jQuery Form Validation

Developed by Tom Bertrand, FOrm Validation is a jQuery plugin that ensures to provide a client site form validation with builtin options and deep customization.


 Demo | Download

15. jQuery Ticker

Developed by Benjamin Harris, Ticker is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps in animating a simple news ticker.



16. Font‑To‑Width

Font-To-Width is a script by Nick Sherman and Chris Lewis. This tool does not scale the font-size, instead, it chooses a width or weight variant according to what fits best thereby enabling letter- and word-spacing adjustments as required.

