jopen 11年前

Brackets 是一个免费、开源且跨平台的 HTML/CSS/JavaScript 前端 WEB 集成开发环境 (IDE工具)。该项目由 Adobe 创建和维护,根据MIT许可证发布,支持 Windows、Linux 以及 OS X 平台。
Brackets 的特点是简约、优雅、快捷!它没有很多的视图或者面板,也没太多花哨的功能,它的核心目标是减少在开发过程中那些效率低下的重复性工作,例如浏览器刷新,修改元素的样式,搜索功能等等。和 Sublime Text、Everedit 等通用代码编辑器不一样,Brackets 是专门针对 WEB 前端开发而生。Brackets EditorOriginally developed by Adobe and currently open source. This editor deserves full review, though I will just try to list some of the most important features and points about Brackets.
Brackets is editor for HTML, CSS and JavaScript, more interesting fact is that Brackets is built in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. And due to fact that this editor is open source, being familiar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript may give you the option to fork it and make it suitable for your work.
Mainly useful for front end designers and developers. Editor is well optimized for HTML, CSS, JS as well as derivates like CSS preprocessors - Sass, Less, etc...
Some of the most notable features are - Live Preview, Quick Edit, Quick CSS edit/declaration, Color Selector, Bezier Curves, JSLint, etc...
The list of features is very long, as well as there are many extension that can increase the number of features.
In general Brackets is extended version of Chrome's Developer tools. Other language support is not that good, but without a doubt this is probably the best HTML, CSS and JS editor.

BlueGriffon是一新的WYSIWYG编辑器,扩平台,支持Windows, Linux and Mac OSX。 该编辑器内置HTML5/CSS3编辑功能,可以轻松地用它来实现传输、文本和边框的阴影、斜体等效果。
基于火狐浏览器的Gecko渲染引擎,你可以下载和安装BlueGriffon到计算机中。支持Mac, Windows XP/7, Ubuntu 和 Fedora,支持9种语言。
BlueGriffon 是个 WYSIWYG 编辑器,支持 HTML4 、HTML5,和XHTML。运行开发者直接嵌入HTML5音频、视频元素到web网页。
BlueGriffon Editor</span>BlueGriffon is relatively new web-based HTML5 WYSYWIG editor with intuitive interface. The good part is that you don't have to be online to use it. BlueGriffon is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.It is based on Gecko - the rendering engine of Firefox. BlueGriffon comply with the W3C's standards like HTML 4, XHTML 1.0, HTML 5 including XHTML 5 plus CSS 2.1 and parts of CSS3.
Interface lookalike popular office text editor, very intuitive and suitable for beginners. Preview in browser is quite easy and actually in Linux few predefined browsers can be accessed easily for cross browser testing.
One click WYSIWYG editor include all popular HTML elements, BlueGriffon even offer powerful SVG editor.
What makes it really powerful is the number of free and paid add-ons and some definitely worth mentioning - FireFTP, Mobile Viewer, Project Manager, etc...

BlueFish 是进行Web开发时最受欢迎的IDE之一。
Bluefish是进行Web开发时最受欢迎的IDE之一。它能够处理编程和标记语言,但是该工具的重点用途在于创建动态和交互式网站。和许多 Linux应用程序一样,Bluefish是一个轻量级工具,运行速度非常快,它所占据的资源只有同类工具的30%到40%。Bluefish可以一次打 开多个文档(最高可打开3500个文档)。它包含项目支持、远程文件支持、搜索和替换(包括正则表达式),无限撤消/重做、多语言定制语法高亮、窗口反斜 线文本和多编码支持等功能。Bluefish最漂亮的功能之一是用户定义工具栏Quickba,它可以让你通过“右键点击并选择增加到 Quickbar”的方式来增加按钮。你可以增加任意HTML工具栏按钮到Quickbar上。Bluefish还有许多操作简化工具,可以帮助你增加不 同元素到你的代码中。需要一个DHTML自动提交选择框?简单。从DHTML下拉列表中选择“自动提交选择框(Auto-submit Select Box )”,然后填充必要的条目,就可以增加该元素到你的代码中。Bluefish有针对C、Apache、DHTML、DocBook、HTML、 PHP+HTML和SQL的智能向导。如果是手动开发自己的网站,你应该选择使用Bluefish这个工具。
新的强大的定制选单,扩展了HTML、PHP、Prel、Pascal、Python、SSI的代码书写。 更多增强的向导式的对话框。 自动缩排,使代码更加漂亮美观、精炼 自动拼写检查。 多字节支持,对中文(UTF8)等的支持更好。 XHTML支持系统需求Gtk-1.2-* 。如果需要使用图像对话框则需要Imlib库支持。 Weblint用于HTML代码检查,Netscape浏览器用于HTML预览。