
jopen 11年前

1. Aloha Editor – HTML5 WYSIWYG Editor

The world’s most advanced browser HTML5 based WYSIWYG editor lets you experience a whole new way of editing. It’s faster than existing technologies and offers unprecedented WYSIWYG functionalities.


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2. HTML Instant : Real-Time HTML Editor

This tool allows users to edit HTML code in real time. Just enter HTML, CSS or JavaScript in the left pane and you’ll get instant results as you type in the right pane. It’s great for editing on the fly and for teaching/learning HTML.


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3. HTML5 Playground

HTML5 rocks is an advance playground that allows you to style HTML element with JavaScript, CSS and using other options. This is what that most of the web designers search for their projects.


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4. TinyMCE – Full featured example

TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under LGPL. TinyMCE has the ability to convert HTML TEXTAREA fields or other HTML elements to editor instances.


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5. Online text to HTML converter

Paste as Plain text, paste from Word, remove formatting, insert / edit embedded media, insert / edit anchor, insert / edit image*, toggle fullscreen mode, edit CSS Style and more features!  A powerful  HTML editor allows you to implement a wide range of ideas and transform your everyday work with the web site an interesting occupation, restricting ourselves for the lack of opportunity. Create an HTML file and upload it to your web page, use the tool as much as you want and it’s free. There is nothing to install, just do online.


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6. CKEditor

This online text editor is used inside webpages. It’s a WYSIWYG editor so the text being edited on it looks almost the same as the results users have when publishing it. CKEditor brings to the web some common editing features found on desktop editing applications like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice. Since this tool is licensed under flexible open source and commercial licenses, users will be able to integrate and use it inside any kind of application. It’s the perfect editor for developers, created to provide easy and powerful solutions to their users.


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7. HTML Color Codes Free HTML Editor

Free online HTML Editor. With this HTML editor you can make website content without knowing HTML language.


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8. HTML.Am

You can use this online HTML editor to generate HTML code for your own website. You can do all sorts of things with this HTML editor, such as: Create bold or italic text, Change the text color, Change the font family or font size, Create hyperlinks. And many more..


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9. Quackit

This is another popular tool by Quackit.com. This tool allows you write your article content fast by using their options. Lots of options to use just like copy and paste from word, cut, indent, ordered and unordered lists, search, font size and much more.


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10. Online web Tools

This tool is best for those who want to write content online for their website. You can see the different HTML elements that you can use in your content.


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11. Online HTML Editor by Brookhaven National Laboratory

This online HTML WYSIWYG editor is cross-browser compatible and works perfectly with almost all major browsers. It allows you to type and format your text and generate the HTML code after clicking the button in the upper toolbar


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