DoudouLinux 2.0 发布,面向少年儿童的、基于Debian的发行

jopen 12年前

DoudouLinux是面向少年儿童的、基于Debian的发行。其宗旨是让使用计算机变得尽可能地简易和愉快,同时让信息技术对世界上所有的少年儿童 都更方便,而不带任何的歧视。DoudouLinux使用高度定制的LXDE桌面,它带有一份简单的导航系统以提供到大约50项应用程序的链接,这些程序 面向教育、娱乐、工作及多媒体任务。
 DoudouLinux 2.0 发布,面向少年儿童的、基于Debian的发行
Jean-Michel Philippe has announced the release of DoudouLinux 2.0, a major new release of the project's Debian-based distribution designed for children between 2 - 12 years of age:

" We are very pleased to announce the release of DoudouLinux 2.0, with many long-awaited new features. Now you can discover for yourself, all the great new features of this major version of DoudouLinux. We believe this is an important release: all of the advanced activities have been deeply redesigned; the DoudouLinux graphic design has been replaced with a less 'baby-looking' environment; better Internet experience thanks to new user privacy tools; easier localization (new tools to set language, keyboard layout, date, time and time zone); around 30 new applications to draw, learn music, have fun; now available in 43 languages instead of 28 formerly; a totally new, real installer to install DoudouLinux on dedicated computers.</span>"

Read the release announcement and visit the what's new page to find out more.

Download (SHA1): doudoulinux-hyperborea-2.0-en.iso (1,057MB, torrent).
 DoudouLinux 2.0 发布,面向少年儿童的、基于Debian的发行