基于Debian的Linux发行,Tanglu 2.0 Alpha 1 发布
jopen 10年前
Tanglu是基于Debian的Linux发行,它旨在向普通用户和发烧友提供最佳的桌面体验。与Debian GNU/Linux相比,Tanglu计划提供大量用户友好的、面向桌面的特性,比如可用的新软件、对额外固件的缺省包含,以及基于时间的、规律化的发布 周期。
We are proud to announce the release of Alpha1 of Tanglu 2 today! The release mainly brings updated software and loads of fixes regarding systemd-services. There also has been a lot of work on the Debian installer, to make it work for Tanglu, and initial work exploring a port of Ubiquity (the Ubuntu installer) to Tanglu has started - although this project is only an experiment so far. There have also been improvements to KDM (systemd integration), but we expect the final release of Tanglu to ship with SDDM instead of KDM. The whole Tanglu distribution is now built on debile[1] and there have been several other infrastructure improvements alongside that large change. We decided to delay the release of Tanglu 2 until October, to do some last package transitions (Perl 5.20, for example) and to ship some more updated components and changes, e.g. it is likely that we will provide all of the KDE SC 4.14 release. During that time, the Tanglu 1 release will of course stay supported. The Alpha1 snapshots can be found at these mirrors: http://releases.tanglu.org/bartholomea/alpha1/ http://mirror1.hs-esslingen.de/pub/Mirrors/releases.tanglu.org/bartholomea/alpha1/ http://yofel.net/tanglu/cdimage/1.80/ (Keep in mind that this is an Alpha release and not meant for stable setups) Thank you for using Tanglu! Matthias Klumpp [1]: http://buildd.tanglu.org/