分布式的内存平台Apache Ignite v1.6.0 发布
jopen 9年前
<p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/4bcd5621100acdd809f532881a97096f.png" /></p> <p>Apache Ignite内存数据组织是高性能的、集成化的以及分布式的内存平台,他可以实时地在大数据集中执行事务和计算,和传统的基于磁盘或者闪存的技术相比,性能有数量级的提升。 <br /> <img alt="" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/da6c06055b57355d3780d7c799ff8699.png" /></p> <h3>特性一览</h3> <p>可以将Ignite视为一个独立的、易于集成的内存组件的集合,目的是改进应用程序的性能和可扩展性,部分组件包括:</p> <ul> <li>高级的集群化</li> <li>数据网格(JCache)</li> <li>流计算和CEP</li> <li>计算网格</li> <li>服务网格</li> <li>Ignite文件系统</li> <li>分布式数据结构</li> <li>分布式消息</li> <li>分布式事件模型</li> <li>Hadoop加速</li> <li>Spark共享RDD</li> </ul> <h2>更新日志</h2> <h3>Ignite .NET:</h3> <ul> <li> Added LINQ Provider for cache SQL queries</li> <li> Added native configuration mechanism (C#, app.config, web.config - instead of Spring XML)</li> <li> Added NuGet distribution</li> <li> Added AtomicSequence and AtomicReference data structures</li> <li> Binaries are now AnyCPU (instead of separate x64/x86)</li> <li> Java-based services can be called the same way as .NET service are called</li> <li> Added java-based continuous query filters</li> <li> Added automatic Java detection: no need for JAVA_HOME</li> <li> Added ability to use Java-based remote filters in continuous queries.</li> </ul> <h3>Ignite C++:</h3> <ul> <li> Added Transactions API for C++ client.</li> <li> Added Date and Timestamp types implementation for C++ client.</li> <li> Simplified Autotools build process for C++ client.</li> </ul> <h3>Ignite:</h3> <ul> <li> Added ability to get partition 'updateCntr' with continuous query public API.</li> <li> Added asynchronous execution of ContinuousQuery's remote filter and local listener.</li> <li> Added backup partitions storing to local store default behavior.</li> <li> Added cache deadlock detection.</li> <li> Added Cache Store implementation backed by Cassandra DB.</li> <li> Added method to get versioned cache entry.</li> <li> Added ODBC driver for Ignite.</li> <li> Added support for join timeout while registering local addresses with IP finder in TcpDiscoverySpi.</li> <li> Added support for JTA transactions via synchronization callback.</li> <li> Added Web Console for Ignite.</li> <li> Fixed a bug causing object deserialization when local store is configured for cache.</li> <li> Fixed a problem with incorrect classloader picked in OSGI environment.</li> <li> Fixed a race condition when evicted offheap data was not delivered to query engine leading to query timeout.</li> <li> Fixed an issue in ContinuousQueries that caused missing of notifications.</li> <li> Fixed background cache partition map exchange not to flood network.</li> <li> Fixed BinaryContext to honor custom loader set through IgniteConfiguration.</li> <li> Fixed BinaryObjectOffHeapImpl leak to public code.</li> <li> Fixed cluster stability with 500+ clients.</li> <li> Fixed continuous queries to send filter factory instead of filter.</li> <li> Fixed continuous query deployment in case originating node has left.</li> <li> Fixed issues with continuous query.</li> <li> Fixed deadlock in services deployment when Spring is used.</li> <li> Fixed discovery and node start procedure issues that may cause slowdowns during larger topologies start (>100 nodes).</li> <li> Fixed eviction policy notification if swap or off heap is enabled and an entry is not loaded during preloading.</li> <li> Fixed excessive thread stack usage in case of high contention on cache entries.</li> <li> Fixed execution of Splunk MapReduce jobs on top of Ignite MR.</li> <li> Fixed GridClosureProcessor internal closures to be deserialized by BinaryMarshaller.</li> <li> Fixed issue with AWS dependencies.</li> <li> Fixed java proxies deserialization with optimized marshaller.</li> <li> Fixed local store behavior at cross cache transactions.</li> <li> Fixed marshalling of Java collection and maps for BinaryMarshaller.</li> <li> Fixed memory leak in IgniteH2Indexing.</li> <li> Fixed NPE during rebalancing.</li> <li> Fixed NPE in GridMergeIndex.</li> <li> Fixed OOME when OFFHEAP_TIERED mode is used.</li> <li> Fixed potential thread starvation during cache rebalancing.</li> <li> Fixed race condition on load cache on changing topology.</li> <li> Fixed race in marshalling logic that could arise when several nodes are running on the same host.</li> <li> Fixed redeployment issues happened with ScanQueries filters.</li> <li> Fixed service proxy not to make remote call for methods declared in java.lang.Object.</li> <li> Fixed several ClassNotFoundException in OSGi environment.</li> <li> Fixed SKIP_STORE flag behavior for transaction entry.</li> <li> Fixed support for classes with equal simple name for binary marshaller.</li> <li> Fixed system caches not to use user-defined TransactionConfiguration.</li> <li> Fixed the issue when CacheStore was updated even if EntryProcessor didn't update an entry.</li> <li> Fixed thread safety for TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder.</li> <li> Fixed unintentional deserialization of BinaryObjects in OFFHEAP mode with peer class loading enabled.</li> <li> Fixed UTF-16 surrogate pairs marshalling.</li> <li> Fixed value copying in entry processor with OptimizedMarshaller.</li> <li> Fixed web session clustering with WebLogic.</li> <li> Hadoop: fixed a bug causing exception during MR planning when input split file doesn't exist.</li> <li> IGFS: Added configuration flag to disable default path modes under "/ignite" folder.</li> <li> IGFS: Added pluggable factory interface for Hadoop FileSystem creation.</li> <li> IGFS: Fixed file properties when running over secondary file system.</li> <li> IGFS: Fixed issues with Kerberized HDFS.</li> <li> IGFS: Massive performance and stability fixes.</li> <li> Improved marshaller behavior during cluster topology change.</li> <li> Mesos integration: added possibility to load Ignite package from file system.</li> <li> Optimized cache 'get' operations on affinity node.</li> <li> Optimized memory usage on server nodes to allow more client connections.</li> <li> Passed update notifier flag to discovery data to be sure that all cluster nodes have the same notifier status as the first node.</li> <li> Performance optimization for transactions that do not acquire locks.</li> <li> ScanQueries over local partitions performance optimisation.</li> <li> Support of package-private implementations for Ignite Services.</li> <li> Supported Ignite Compute tasks cancellation for Ignite.NET.</li> <li> Visor CMD: Added ability to attach custom scripts to alerts.</li> <li> Web sessions: minor fix to prevent NullPointerException in some special case.</li> <li> Web sessions: user session classes are no longer needed on server nodes.</li> <li> A lot of stability and fault-tolerance fixes.</li> </ul> <h2>下载地址</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958990603480876399" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (zip)</a></li> <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958990603594097193" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (tar.gz)</a></li> </ul> <h2> </h2>