React v0.14 RC 发布,弃用 react-tools
React.js 是 非死book 推出的一个用来构建用户界面的 JavaScript 库。
非死book开源了React,这是该公司用于构建反应式图形界面的JavaScript库,已经应用于构建Instagram网站及 非死book部分网站。最近出现了AngularJS、MeteorJS 和Polymer中实现的Model-Driven Views等框架,React也顺应了这种趋势。React基于在数据模型之上声明式指定用户界面的理念,用户界面会自动与底层数据保持同步。与前面提及 的框架不同,出于灵活性考虑,React使用JavaScript来构建用户界面,没有选择HTML。
React v0.14 RC 发布,主要更新项目:-
两个包: React 和 React DOM
DOM node refs
弃用 react-tools
重要的 bug 修复:
Click events are handled by React DOM more reliably in mobile browsers, particularly in Mobile Safari.
SVG elements are created with the correct namespace in more cases.
React DOM now renders
elements with multiple text children properly and renders<select>
elements on the server with the correct option selected. -
When two separate copies of React add nodes to the same document (including when a browser extension uses React), React DOM tries harder not to throw exceptions during event handling.
Using non-lowercase HTML tag names in React DOM (e.g.,
) no longer causes problems, though we continue to recommend lowercase for consistency with the JSX tag name convention (lowercase names refer to built-in components, capitalized names refer to custom components). -
React DOM understands that these CSS properties are unitless and does not append “px” to their values:
. -
Add-Ons: When using the test utils,
now work. -
Add-Ons: ReactTransitionGroup now correctly handles multiple nodes being removed simultaneously.