用 React 编写移动应用,React Native 0.16 发布

ffc8 9年前

ReactNative 可以基于目前大热的开源JavaScript库React.js来开发iOS和Android原生App。而且React Native已经用于生产环境——非死book Groups iOS 应用就是基于它开发的。

用 React 编写移动应用,React Native 0.16 发布

React Native 0.16 发布,此版本总共包括 80 位贡献者提交 260 个 commits。



  • Added Babel helpers for es2015 imports (gist). ffea779

  • For-of support: 5dc40af

  • Support for ES6 modules in Babel plugins dff8f53


  • Added PullToRefreshViewAndroid: 37f8134, cad4686

  • Android view shadows: b65f1f2

  • Proper touch handling for transformed Views on Android: c929e15




  • Android supports custom fonts; only TTF and OTF for now. bfeaa6a

  • The Android ViewPager gets setPageWithoutAnimation. 50b8b00

  • Images within a TextView, i.e. emojis, are now supported. a0268a7

  • The Android performance profiler, Systrace, gets thorough documentation. d2c5045


  • The keyboardAppearance prop was added to iOS TextInput. Useful for displaying a dark keyboard. f407211

  • AsyncLocalStorage gets an in-memory cache. 397791f

  • TextInput supports the onSelectionChange event. 5a34a09

  • iOS RCTPasteboard was released. Useful for copy-to-clipboard behavior. 26cb6be


  • React Native now uses Babel 6, props to Tadeu Zagallo for upgrading and thanks David Aurelio and Sebastian McKenzie for all the help! We've been using React Native with Babel 6 at 非死book for quite a while now. Nevertheless, please report any errors related to Babel, such as transforms for some JS features not working as expected and we'll fix them.

  • Touch events on Android now have coordinates consistent with iOS: 0c2ee5d

  • YellowBox enabled by default on iOS: 8ab5182

  • JS decorators won't work until T2645 lands in Babel. It's being worked on. The proposal for decorators is not final and therefore Babel 6 left decorator support out for now.

  • Exporting default class that extends a base class won't work due to Babel's T2694.

  • RCTSparseArray was replaced by NSDictionary. Modules using RCTSparseArray should update. fa0b45c

  • RCTWebViewExecutor was removed. 0764e4e
