CentOS 6.4 发布

jopen 12年前

作为一个团体,CentOS是一个开源软件贡献者和用户的社区。典型的CentOS用户包括这样一些组织和个人,他们并不需要专门的商业支持就能开展成功的业务。CentOS是Red Hat Enterprise Linux的100%兼容的重新组建,并完全符合Red Hat的再发行要求。CentOS面向那些需要企业级操作系统稳定性的人们,而且并不涉及认证和支持方面的开销。
CentOS 6.4 发布
Karanbir Singh has announced the release of CentOS 6.4, the updated build of the enterprise-class Linux distribution compiled from the source code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4: " We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS 6.4 install media for i386 and x86_64 architectures. CentOS 6.4 is based on the upstream release EL 6.4 and includes packages from all variants. All upstream repositories have been combined into one, to make it easier for end users to work with. There are many fundamental changes in this release, compared with the past CentOS 6 releases, and we highly recommend that everyone study the release notes as well as the upstream technical notes about the changes and how they might impact your installation. Everyone who has centos-cr repositories enabled and in use would already be running CentOS 6.4 as of two weeks ago." Read the release announcement and release notes for more details. Download ( mirror list): CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso (4,152MB, SHA1, torrent). CentOS 6.4 发布