CentOS 5.10 发布

jopen 11年前

作为一个团体,CentOS是一个开源软件贡献者和用户的社区。典型的CentOS用户包括这样一些组织和个人,他们并不需要专门的商业支持就能开展成功的业务。CentOS是Red Hat Enterprise Linux的100%兼容的重新组建,并完全符合Red Hat的再发行要求。CentOS面向那些需要企业级操作系统稳定性的人们,而且并不涉及认证和支持方面的开销。
CentOS 5.10 发布
Johnny Hughes has announced the release of CentOS 5.10, an updated build of the project's distribution built from source code of the recently-released Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.10: " We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS 5.10 for the i386 and x86_64 architectures. New features: MySQL versions 5.1 and 5.5 are now available, MySQL 5.1 is only provided for assisting in upgrading MySQL 5.0 databases to MySQL 5.5 and it should not be used in production environments; there will be no more security updates for the 5.0 and 5.1 versions of MySQL; a new package, gcc-libraries, consisting of libraries libatomic and libitm, is now available - these libraries provide support for certain atomic operations and transactional memory; the HP cciss RAID driver has been updated to the latest version...." See the release announcement and especially the release notes for a detailed list of changes and known issues. Download ( mirror list): CentOS-5.10-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso (4,456MB, SHA256). CentOS 5.10 发布