新的 React Developer Tools 0.14 发布

jopen 9年前

一个月前,新的React开发者工具发布了beta版。今天发布了new devtools的第一个稳定版,版号为0.14,但它是一个完整重写的版本,所以我们认为它更像是一个2.0版本。

Video/screenshot of new devtools

它包含了一些新的功能, 包括:

  • 完全采用React开发,让其更易于开发和扩展
  • Firefox 支持
  • Selected component instance is available as $r from the console
  • More detail is shown in props in the component tree
  • Right-click any node and choose "Show Source" to jump to the render method in the Sources panel
  • Right-click any props or state value to make it available as $tmp from the console
  • Full React Native support


Download the new devtools from the Chrome Web Store and on Mozilla Add-ons for Firefox. If you're developing using React, we highly recommend installing these devtools.

If you already have the Chrome extension installed, it should autoupdate within the next week. You can also head to chrome://extensions and click "Update extensions now" if you'd like to get the new version today. If you installed the devtools beta, please remove it and switch back to the version from the store to make sure you always get the latest updates and bug fixes.

If you run into any issues, please post them on our react-devtools GitHub repo.