高性能 PHP 框架,Phalcon 2.0.9 发布
PhalconPHP 是一个使用 C 扩展开发的 PHP Web 框架,提供高性能和低资源占用。
Phalcon 是一个开源的、全堆栈的 PHP 5 框架,使用 C 扩展编写,专门为高性能优化。无需学习和使用 C 语言,所有函数都以 PHP 类的方式曾现。Phalcon 是一个松耦合的框架。
使用时需在 php.ini 中添加:extension=phalcon.so
Phalcon 2.0.9 发布,更新如下:-
Improved overall support of SQL for migrations
Fixed bug that double serializes data using Redis adapter
Added console:boot event to allow the developer to perform initialization actions
Added implementation options allowEmpty for Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Validator\Ip
Fixed SQLite bug[#10997] related to setting of index type
Added Phalcon\Db\Dialect\Sqlite::listIndexesSql - to generate the SQL to get query list of indexes
Fixed MySQL bug[#11036] related to setting of index type
Added missed RouteInterface::setHostname, RouteInterface::getHostname
Added strict option for ExclusionIn validator
Added Phalcon\Text::underscore - to make a phrase underscored instead of spaced
Added Phalcon\Text::humanize - to make an underscored or dashed phrase human-readable
Added ability to change document class to be returned in ODM through class option