高性能 PHP 框架,Phalcon 2.0.1 发布

jopen 10年前

PhalconPHP 是一个使用 C 扩展开发的 PHP Web 框架,提供高性能和低资源占用。

Phalcon 是一个开源的、全堆栈的 PHP 5 框架,使用 C 扩展编写,专门为高性能优化。无需学习和使用 C 语言,所有函数都以 PHP 类的方式曾现。Phalcon 是一个松耦合的框架。

使用时需在 php.ini 中添加:extension=phalcon.so


Phalcon 2.0.1 发布,此版本更新内容如下:

  • Fixed segfaults caused by static caches in <= PHP 5.5 builds

  • Added missing Phalcon\Debug::listenLowSeverity

  • Added new theme in Phalcon\Debug

  • Allow to count and iterate Phalcon\Session\Bag as in 1.3.x

  • Renamed getEventsManager to getInternalEventsManager in Phalcon\Di to avoid collision with existing services

  • Added constants FILTER_* to Phalcon\Filter for filters names

  • Fixed multibyte characters in cssmin/jsmin

  • Added Phalcon\Security::destroyToken() to remove current token key and value from session removed first argument (password), since it's not used in the function

  • Restored alternative hash algorithms in Phalcon\Security that were available in 1.3.x

  • Fixed bug that makes instances returned in Model::findFirst to be not completely initialized

  • Added support for general SELECT ALL/SELECT DISTINCT in PHQL

  • Added support for "not in" test in Volt

  • Phalcon\Debug\Dump -- Renamed method var() to variable() -- Renamed method vars() to variables()

  • Phalcon\Mvc\Model::findFirst() now allows hydration (#10259).

