OS X 下开源的代码编辑器,CotEditor 2.0.3 发布
CotEditor 简介
CotEditor 是一款主要由日本开发者开发的轻量级的 OS X 原生编辑器,支持多种编程语言的语法高亮显示,支持宏扩展,支持使用 Apple Script 和 Shell Script 进行扩展。与 Sublime Text 等流行的编辑器不同,CotEditor 使用的是原生的 Cocoa 文本系统,因而写起代码来都是 OS X 上原生的体验,如果你一直在寻找一款默认输入方式上和 Xcode 完全相同,同时又足够轻量级,可以让你随时随地打开写一段文字或脚本的编辑器的话,那就非 CotEditor 莫属。
此外,CotEditor 完全开源,并且使用纯 Objective-C/Cocoa 写成,对于 OS X 开发者来来说,CotEditor 的源码很值得学习,对于深入理解 Cocoa 的文本系统很有帮助。
CotEditor 的最新版已经支持简体中文的本地化。
昨天晚上 CotEditor 开发者释出了 2.0.3 版。这一版本最大的变化就是增加了简体中文(Chinese Simplified)的本地化支持,感谢 Wei Wang (onevcat)。
CotEditor 2.0.3 改进内容
添加简体中文本地化,感谢 Wei Wang (onevcat)。
添加通过“捏手势(pinch gesture)”缩放字体的特性。
Add “Traditional Chinese (Big 5 HKSCS)”, “Traditional Chinese (Big 5-E)” and “Traditional Chinese (Big 5)” to encoding list.
Add “show invisible characters” option to set visibility of all invisible characters at once.
From this, invisibles visibility of displayed windows can be toggled even all invisibles are hidden as default.
Now, the popup menus in toolbar can be called directly even on “Text Only” mode without mode change.
Now, window states will resume from the last session.
Change default syntax style from “None” to “Plain Text”.
Improve syntax highlighting performance.
Remove delay when a AppleScript/JavaScript is run for the first time after application launch.
Update “CSS” syntax style:
Add several keywords. (Thanks to Nathan Rutzky!)
Update “JSON” syntax style:
Improve highlighting performance.
Improve find panel behavior with Spaces.
Disable rech text in find panel.
</ul> Fix page guide position and tab width.
Fix an issue that “Go” button in “Go To” sheet didn't work by clicking.
Fix an issue that line endings menu in toolbar whose document had been newly created was always set to “LF”.
Fix an issue that cancelation of syntax extracting didn't work immediately under the specific conditions.
Fix an issue that selecting inside of brackets by double-clicking didn't work.
Fix an issue that script execution with large size output could cause application hang up.
Fix a possible issue that syntax highlighting while text editing could cause application crash.
Fix an issue that application could hang up when no text font is found.
Fix an issue that highlights weren't updated after “Replace All” under Japanese localization.
Fix an issue that the Auto-Completion feature couldn't enable from the preferences under Japanese localization.