Mac OS X 下的杀毒软件 ClamXav
fmms 13年前
<p>ClamXav 是Mac OS X 下的免费杀毒软件,基于 ClamAv 开发。<br /> 项目地址:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958197073916420697" target="_blank"></a></p> <div id="p_fullcontent" class="detail"> <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958190017584338495" target="_blank"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><br /> Clam AntiVirus(ClamAV)</span></a>是免费而且开放源代码的防毒软件,软件与病毒码的的更新皆由社群免费发布。目前ClamAV主要是使用在由 Linux、FreeBSD等Unix-like系统架设的邮件服务器上,提供电子邮件的病毒扫描服务。ClamAV本身是在文字接口下运作,但也有许多图形接口的前端工具可用,另外由于其开放源代码的特性,在Windows与Mac OS X平台都有其移植版。</p> <h3>Linux</h3> <ul> <li><strong>ClamTk</strong> - 使用gtk-prel开发的ClamAV前端。</li> <li><strong>KlamAV</strong> - KDE环境下的ClamAV前端。</li> <li><strong>Copfliter</strong> - 使用ClamAV的<span class="new">IPCOP</span>扩充套件。</li> </ul> </div> <p><img style="width:560px;height:383px;" title="01190718_kdpn.png" border="0" alt="01190718_kdpn.png" src="" /></p> <p>主要特性:</p> <ul> <li>Clean, simple-to-use interface</li> <li>Clearly lists infected files</li> <li>Free virus definitions (usually updated daily)</li> <li>Save your favourite scan locations for easy access</li> <li>Customise the toolbar - or hide it entirely</li> <li>Send selected files to quarantine or trash with one click</li> <li>Specify files to exclude using plain text* or by using drag & drop from the Finder</li> <li>Specify schedules to update virus definitions and perform scans</li> <li>Use ClamXav Sentry to monitor your hard drive and scan new files as they arrive†</li> <li>Use the bundled ClamAV engine or bring your own installation†</li> <li>Compatible with Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7 Lion</li> </ul>