12 个实用的响应式网格框架
1. Base Framework

From the word itself, it is the foundation of the things that you need to have before you run up your site because of its CSS framework, which makes things already responsive through its 12-column 960px grid that has a complete package. Some of the perks it provides are customization of stylesheet because of LESS file, basic styles for stylesheet, HTML 5 template inclusive of jQuery and a default JavaScript file.
2. Bourbon Neat

Neat 是一个开源的流体表格框架,基于 Bourbon 构建,方便定制。
3. Kube CSS Framework

Kube可对forms, grids, buttons, tables, typography设置样式。还有其它一些东西包括链接和图片。
4. One% CSS Grid

One% CSS Grid 是一个流体网格系统用于快速开发响式网站。
5. Proportional Grids

Things are made easier through its fixed gutters because it does not focus on widths, but on proportions that simply allows web designers to achieve a fluid and responsive grid that is built by boon.
6. RWD Grid

It is derived from the famous 960.gs which can be compared to the 960.gs_ but has been changed to a hyphen instead of underscore for improve readability.
7. Responsify.it – A Responsive Template Generator

With its interface, it allows anyone to build a site with minimal effort because of its framework generator that is also responsive in creating grid framework, which can also be customized according to preferences and needs.
8. Simple Grid

Simple Grid 是一个基于响应式设计的简洁的 CSS 框架,让你可以快速创建适应于手机和平板电脑的网站。它不是一个包含从表单到按钮所有东西的 CSS 框架,它仅仅是一个非常轻量级的 CSS 网格系统。不再是 1024像素,Simple Grid 一开始就设计成支持更大的显示器和更大分辨率。Simple Grid 的 12 列结构设计让你非常容易帮网页分割成 2,3 4 或者 6 列,给程序员更多的选择。
9. The Goldilocks Approach

This is one of the best responsive grid frameworks that suits for mobile users. It allows web owners to use media queries, ems, and max width whether for single, narrow, and even multi-column. It is also resolution independent, which can be seen once you open it through your smartphones, or mobile devices. It has a boilerplate HTML file and CSS files to help you commence your site.
10. Titan Framework

利用Titan Framework 你可以创建响式布局,它能够在最大宽度限制下自适应任何屏幕分辨率。
11. Toast CSS Framework

For simple designs, this framework works best whether it’s for a 12-column layout on desktop or a single column for mobile phone users. It has a developed normalize.css and its very own stylesheets.
12. Ivory

IVORY 基于12列的响应式网格布局,包含表格,按钮,表格,分页,拨动开关,工具提示,手风琴,选项卡等网站中常用的组件和样式。