10 个实用的响应式设计测试工具
Viewport Resizer
Viewport resizer is basically a bookmarklet and some have declared it as one of the best responsive design tools. Thanks to Viewport resizer, you will not have to manually resize your browser windows. You can configure it according to your own requirements.

This is again a great tool because it allows you to change the dimensions of your webpage on instant basis. Once installed, it can be used easily. All you need to do is visit the website you want to test and use it.

Responsive Design Bookmarklet
Again a great tool and if you want to see how it works, all you need to do is visit any responsive website and clikc on the RWD Bookmarklet link. You can then select the resolutions for your viewability. For designers, it is a great tool because it helps in viewing the websites in any size and resolution.

I loved the name basically because of the concept behind it. Heard about small-ish, medium-ish, large-ish? Yes, this is exactly how this name was selected. The best thing about this tool is that there are no restrictions. You can use it on any resolution.

Responsive Web Design Testing Tool
This tool will help you in testing your responsive websites while you develop and design them. However, in order to benefit from it, it is important that you host the testing tool on your website’s own hosting.

This particular tool is there to help you with the pixels of your website. Again, one of the best tools this is. It helps you in testing your website on more than 30 difference resolutions. You can even resize the window and check the pixels with custom resolution. Also, you can easily change the orientations – by just a single click.

Edge Reflow
This application is being used by a lot of designers in order to create a native web surface with CSS layout. With this particular application, designers are able to create resizable layouts. These layouts will then stimulate the whole look of your website for desktop and mobile phones. This is a very useful one when it comes to responsive web designing.

StudioPress Responsive Testing Tool
This tool is again very useful for designers and developers. One a single screen, this tool will show you how your website looks on various devices. It will show you your website’s layout on mobiles, tablets and other relevant devices. Not only this, you can also view your website’s layout for various browser windows.

If you want to check your website at difference screen resolutions, this tool is perfect for you. This is basically an online tool that provides you with the ability to test your responsive website. It has been developed by CyberCrab, which is a design and development company.

BrowserStack is basically an online cross-browser testing tool and was launch a few years back. It provides designers, developers and testers with a cloud platform in order to test their web applications. BrowserStack has been serving more than 200,000 registered users across the globe. The best thing is that it provides access to all browsers and this all includes all versions of IE. Also, you do not have to install any software in order to use this tool. This tool will never disappoint you so go ahead, use it in order to test your website on all tools and benefit from it.

There are a lot of tools available online in order to test your responsive websites however, it is very important to find the correct and useful ones. The tools mentioned above are not only useful but are hassle free. Go ahead, try and benefit from them.