开源 PaaS 系统,Tsuru 0.13.0 RC2 发布下载
Tsuru 是一个开放源码的 open Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)平台。
Tsuru 可以让你构建自己的 PaaS 服务。Tsuru 采用 go 语言写成,依赖 go 环境和 libxml。
在 Tsuru 的 PaaS 服务下,你可以选择自己的编程语言,选择使用 SQL 或者 NoSQL 数据库,memcache、redis、等等许多服务,甚至与你可以使用 Git 版本控制工具来上传你应用。
Tsuru 0.13.0 RC2 发布下载,Tsuru 0.13.0 更新内容:新特性
新 IaaS:tsuru 现支持 DigitalOcean,还有 Amazon EC2 和 CloudStack
新路由:支持新版本的 Galeb
处理器添加和更新平台是通过接收上传的 Dockerfile
Bug 修复
Fix OAuth authentication: the library used by tsuru used to blindly trust the token_type returned by the OAuth provider, but some providers provide mismatching types in the authorization request and the token. Seehttps://github.com/golang/oauth2/issues/113 for more details.
Admin users can now manage all teams (issue #1084).
Fix the behavior of app-restart when the app is stopped: now it actually starts the app (issue #1281).
Fix bug that disabled usage tracking for quota management when quota was unlimited (issue #1279).
Deploy info now returns 404 when the provided id is not a valid MongoDB ObjectId.
Simplified the interface for listing and rolling back deployments: tsuru now takes just the version of the app, instead of the whole Docker image (issue#1288).
CloudStack IaaS now supports tagging, so admins can tag managed nodes when creating them (issue #1172).
Prevent timeouts in all streaming handlers by keeping the wire busy while the connection is open.
Add a parameter in the service-remove endpoint for unbinding all apps bound to the service instance.
Add a parameter in the env-set, env-unset, service-bind and service-unbind to prevent the application restart when inject an environment variable (issue #1271).
Add a parameter in the token-show and token-regenerate to display/regenerate token for third users. Only admins can perform this operations (issue #1316).
Add a new filter in the app listing API endpoint: now it’s possible to filter applications by pool (issue #1311).
Improve installing documentation format to better accommodate information about tsuru-now and tsuru-bootstrap.
Improvements in the installing and management docs, reflecting the daemon rename (thanks Giuseppe Ciotta).
Fix instructions on the Hipache installing page so it doesn’t use a deprecated configuration flag (thanks Giuseppe Ciotta).
Improve database connection management in the application locking procedure, avoiding database connections leakage.
Improve documentation for the Java platform (thanks Manoel Domingues Junior).
非向后兼容改进 (action needed)
The post-receive hook is no longer supported, please update to one of theavailable pre-receive hooks. You may stick to a post-receive hook that invokes git-archive and uploads it to tsuru, but we recommend using a pre-receive hook.