top 5 best free jQuery Plugins To create Pinterest Like Dynamic Grid Layout.
Wookmark jQuery plugin
BlocksIt.js jQuery plugin
BlocksIt.js is a jQuery plugin for creating dynamic grid layout like Pinterest. It allows join of 2 or more blocks into a big block element.
Masonry jQuery plugin
Masonry is a dynamic grid layout plugin for jQuery. Think of it as the flip-side of CSS floats. Whereas floating arranges elements horizontally then vertically, Masonry arranges elements vertically, positioning each element in the next open spot in the grid. The result minimizes vertical gaps between elements of varying height, just like a mason fitting stones in a wall.
Flex jQuery plugin
Flex is a fluid asymmetrical animated grid plugin for jQuery. It also has a feature of expanding the tiles on mouse hover.
Pinterest Clone Layout
Perfect for Ruby developer. This layout uses the jQuery Masonyn plugin and is already styled and ready to use.