Flat jQuery Price Slider
This jQuery price slider to select range of prices which help you vastly in your development and design projects. This price range slider is totally free to download.
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Gmaps jQuery Map Plugin
Gmaps js script is simple in itself with minimal code and clean documentation to implement the code all by yourself. The power of Google maps now can be harvested with this cool jQuery plugin without any limits. Choose from 25 Different features starting from basic map layout to Street View Panoramas.
Examples| DownloadFormChimp - MailChimp ajax plugin for jQuery
A customizable MailChimp ajax plugin for jQuery, provides an easy and lightweight way to let your users sign up to your MailChimp list.
Examples| DownloadOWL Carousel
Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel slider.
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jQuery Spellchecker
A lightweight jQuery plugin that can check the spelling of text within a form field or DOM tree.
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Chart js
Easy, object oriented client side graphs for designers and developers. Visualise your data in different ways. Each of them animated, fully customisable and look great, even on retina displays.
A jQuery plugin that suggests and autocompletes the domain in email fields.
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Make something draggable with code snippet of jQuery.
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A Javascript drag and drop, resizing and gestures for modern desktop and mobile browsers.
Examples| DownloadSortable
Sortable — is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers and touch devices.
Examples| DownloadrowGrid.js
rowGrid.js is a small, lightweight (~800 bytes gzipped) jQuery plugin for placing images (or other items) in straight rows. The grid is similar to grids on Google Image Search, flickr, shutterstock and Google+ images.
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Scattered Polaroid gallery
A flat-style Polaroid gallery where the items are scattered randomly in a container. When a specific item is selected, it will move to the middle while the other Polaroids will make space for it by moving to the sides.
Viewport Image Resize
Simple & hassle-free image resize & crop based on a pseudo-viewport.
jQueryUI Limitslider
A slider allowing multiple sliders and ranges with all sorts of optional limitations in position/size/distance. Also includes optional labels on the sliders and hover titles.
Freewall is a cross-browser and responsive jQuery plugin to help you create many types of grid layouts for desktop, mobile, and tablet.
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jQuery fontIconPicker
jQuery fontIconPicker is a small (1.58kb gzipped) jQuery plugin which allows you to include a simple icon picker with search and pagination inside your administration forms.
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jQuery Flip-Quote
jQuery Flip-Quote creates a pull-quote from a text quote found in the document and flips to reveal the quote once it’s scrolled into view. It also has a click feature that scrolls into and highlights the quote origin on the document.
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Make use of Bootstrap’s modal more monkey-friendly.
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Tabelizer 1.0.3 – multi level grouping indicators for tables Version 1.0.3 Requires jQuery v1.6+ and jQuery.ui core.
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非死book Badge Jquery Plugin
FaceBadge add a badge of your 非死book Page in your site.
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This is an image cropping jquery plugin that will satisfy your needs and much more.
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JQuery Plugin for Google Drive API
Google Drive is a nice and easy (once you get used to it) way to store and share files on the cloud. Apps on Android phones and tablets synchronize their documents and images to Google Drive. One can think of so many interesting applications using them.
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Pick-a-Color is designed to be easy for anyone to use. The interface is based on 推ter Bootstrap styles so it looks lovely with the styles of almost any site.
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Simple Vertical Menu
Simple, but very stylish vertical menu using some CSS3, a bit of jQuery, a custom text font and the most impressive icon font you can find at this moment, which is FontAwesome.
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jQuery Message Form
Just a little character counter experiment with jQuery .
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Magnifying Glass Plugin with jQuery and CSS3
This is a simple little plugin that I made, based off this walkthrough from TCP.