为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

jopen 11年前

1. Notification Style Inspiration

Notifications are an important part of websites and web applications.  Notification Styles Inspiration is a tool that helps designers in coming up with their notification UI as easily as possible.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

2. Affinity Designer

This is a vector art and design program Mac. Its a smart alternative to Adobe Illustrator and is definitely worth trying out.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

3. Social Good Ipsum

Ipsum Lorem is popular collection of Latin words used by web designers. Here is a cool tool namely Social Good Ipsum that provides socially acceptable causes for the web designers to ease their task.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

4. CSS Colorgaurd 

CSS Colorguard is created with the aim to help users in maintaining the color set that they want. It also warns them when colors you’ve added are similar to ones that already exist. Besides it is easily configurable.

5. Concise

Concise is an easily customizable tool that is tinkered with and hacked easily. It comes with a nice front-end framework that adds to its charm. 

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

6. Base

This is a responsive framework which besides being super-fast is lightweight, includes styles for typography, lists, tables, blockquotes, forms and much more.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

7. Pagekit

This is a modern content management system that comes with features like Markdown editor, blogging capabilities, widgets, built-in marketplace that lets you access free and commercial software.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

8. Morphi

Morphi is one smart intuitive mobile 3D modeling and design platform for touchscreens. Besides helping users in prototyping, this app helps in visualization, making functional products and wearables, and much more. 

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

9. Coleure

Coleure is a a tool made by Rolando Murillo and Giorgio Leveroni. Its a color picker with a curated color stack that is inspired by Pantone.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

10. ArnoldC

ArnoldC is a programming language that is based on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s one liners.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

11. Pop

Pop is a free iOS and Android app for users to help them take photos of their paper prototypes and simulate the actual site interactions from those paper mockups with ease.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

12. CodeSnip.it

CodeSnip.it is a free code snippet tool provides users with free, private storage facility for users. It includes search option to let users find what they need and syntax highlighting.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

13. WPCore

WPCore is a tool that enables users in managing collections of their favourite WordPress plugins. With it users can build and manage WordPress plugin collections easily and speedily.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

14. Intense Image Viewer

Intense Image Viewer is a JavaScript library that lets users view images in a fully full screen. The tool makes sure to fill your browser’s entire viewport with the image.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

15. Responsive Logos

Responsive logos is a library of unique cool logos. It provides users with a cool range of logos from which users can pick one for themselves and resize their browser to see the reductions based on screen size.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

16. Find Guidelines on The Web

Find Guidelines is a website that links to the brand logos of renowned online companies like Mozilla, Reddit, 推ter and 非死book.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

17. DevShelf

DevShelf is a modern web application that helps developers in getting relevant information regarding various development technologies easily.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

18. Odyssey

Odyssey is a nice tool for journalists, designers and creators who wish to weave interactive stories. The Odyssey Sandbox gives you an easy way for testing the Odyssey library and mix written narrative into a beautiful map driven story.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

19. Tackk

Tackk is a simple and easy tool for creating beautiful pages on the web. You need to use it to understand what its all about and how it simplifies your tasks.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

20. CheckiO

CechkiO is a community that helps developers improve their code. It makes you learn things in fun manner.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

21. Scrapfy

Developers who sometime feel the need of comparing code or seek help can make optimum use of Scrapfy which is a tool that lets users simultaneously work on code with their team.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月

22. Tavern

 Tavern was formerly named Forrst. Its the latest private release from Zurb. Wish to know what its about? Tavern is an online tool that lets designers share their experiences, get feedback and validation from the community, share their opinions on design and likewise.

为设计师和开发人员准备的实用工具 - 2014年7月