SME Server 8.1 Beta 1 发布

jopen 11年前

SME Server(最初叫作e-smith)由Joseph和Kim Morrison创立于1999年1月。同年4月公司推出了他们旗舰软件产品的首个版本——e-smith服务器及网关。到年底时,已经有数千的e-smith服务器运行在从斐济到芬兰的各个国家。关于e-smith的消息很快地流传在开发人员和系统集成人员中,而他们需要的正是面向小型企业用户的牢固易用的服务器。2001年7月,e-smith公司被Mitel Networks收购,2004年9月又被Lycoris收购,并且该项目目前还得到了Resource Strategies公司的赞助。
 SME Server 8.1 Beta 1 发布
Ian Wells has announced the availability of the first beta of SME Server 8.1, a CentOS-based server-oriented distribution for small and medium-sized enterprises: " The SME Server development team is pleased to announce the release of SME Server 8.1 beta 1 which is based on CentOS 5.9. Changes in this release: Workstation Backup allows the day of the week to be specified on which a full backup occurs, this now works correctly for all days of the week; to increase reliability of backups to a Microsoft Vista drive, a one second delay was added to the backup; allow user setting of compression level for Desktop and Console Backups; in the console, under item 8, refer to removable media instead of USB device; add an option to use Wake on LAN before starting Workstation Backup; Workstation Backup, report cifs mount errors, be compatible with destinations that include spaces...." Read the full release announcement for a detailed list of changes in this release. Interested testers can download this beta release from here: smeserver-8.1beta1-x86_64.iso (703MB).