WordPress 4.0 Beta 1 发布

jopen 10年前

WordPress 4.0 Beta 1 发布,此版本仍在继续开发,不建议运行在生产环境中。测试 WordPress 4.0 可以使用  WordPress Beta Tester 插件或者下载最新版本 (zip)。

WordPress 4.0 计划下个月发布,WordPress 4.0 beta 版本改进内容如下:

  • 可视化编辑器中可以通过 URLs 嵌入预览功能,也可以通过媒体模态上的“从 URL 中插入” 标签来实现(#28195, #15490)

  • 媒体库中在现有的列表视图的基础上添加了“网格”视图(#24716)

  • 改善了插件安装体验(#28785, #27440)

  • 运行安装进程的时候提供语言选择选项 (#28577)

  • 必要的时候,编辑器可以智能的缩放大小,并且调节顶部和底部条的固定位置 (#28328)

  • 改善了 TinyMCE 视图和键盘,游标的交互方式,比如图库预览(#28595)

  • Customizer 的部件可以会在独立的面板中加载(#27406)

  • 改进了一些格式化功能


This software is still in development, so we don’t recommend you run it on a production site. Consider setting up a test site just to play with the new version. To test WordPress 4.0, try the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (you’ll want “bleeding edge nightlies”). Or you can download the beta here (zip).

4.0 is due out next month, but to get there, we need your help testing what we’ve been working on:

  • Previews of embedding via URLs in the visual editor and the “Insert from URL” tab in the media modal. Try pasting a URL (such as a WordPress.tv or 油Tube video) onto its own line in the visual editor. (#28195, #15490)
  • The Media Library now has a “grid” view in addition to the existing list view. Clicking on an item takes you into a modal where you can see a larger preview and edit information about that attachment, and you can navigate between items right from the modal without closing it. (#24716)
  • We’re freshening up the plugin install experience. You’ll see some early visual changes as well as more information when searching for plugins and viewing details. (#28785, #27440)
  • Selecting a language when you run the installation process. (#28577)
  • The editor intelligently resizes and its top and bottom bars pin when needed. Browsers don’t like to agree on where to put things like cursors, so if you find a bug here, please also let us know your browser and operating system. (#28328)
  • We’ve made some improvements to how your keyboard and cursor interact with TinyMCE views such as the gallery preview. Much like the editor resizing and scrolling improvements, knowing about your setup is particularly important for bug reports here. (#28595)
  • Widgets in the Customizer are now loaded in a separate panel. (#27406)
  • We’ve also made some changes to some formatting functions, so if you see quotes curling in the wrong direction, please file a bug report.

If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. We’d love to hear from you! If you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, file one on the WordPress Trac. There, you can also find a list of known bugs and everything we’ve fixed so far.

Developers: Never fear, we haven’t forgotten you. There’s plenty for you, too – more on that in upcoming posts. In the meantime, check out the API for panels in the Customizer.

WordPress是一种使用PHP语言开发的博客平台,用户可以在支持PHP和MySQL 数据库的服务器上架设自己的网志。也可以把 WordPress 当作一个内容管理系统(CMS)来使用。WordPress 是一个免费的开源项目,在GNU通用公共许可证下授权发布。

WordPress 4.0 Beta 1 发布

WordPress 被认为是Michel Valdrighi所开发的网志平台b2 cafelog的正式继承者。“WordPress”这个名字出自 Christine Selleck 的主意,他是主要开发者Matt Mullenweg的朋友。


  1. 免费、开源
  2. 安装方便、快捷。
  3. 可定制性非常高
  4. 众多的插件和主题

海量的插件和主题可以说是 WordPress 最大的特色了,没有哪一个 Blog 平台拥有如此多的插件和主题,拥有如此多的用户和爱好者。
