AV Linux 6.0.1 发布,包含大量多媒体制作软件的Linux发行

jopen 12年前

AV Linux是多功能的、基于Debian的发行,其特色是大量收集了音频和视频创作软件。此外,它还封装了一套良好定制的Liquorix内核,带有很多性能和调整方面的优化,以使运行效率最大化。AV Linux可以直接从自启动运行DVD或USB存储设备引导,尽管它也能安装到硬盘上从而作为面向日常任务的通用操作系统使用。
AV Linux 6.0.1 发布,包含大量多媒体制作软件的Linux发行
Glen MacArthur has announced the release of AV Linux 6.0.1, an updated version of the Debian-based distribution with a collection of audio and video production software: " Out of the uncertainty of the successful AV Linux 6.0 release an unexpected 6.0.1 update has arrived. What began as a minor update to bring a few bug fixes and fresh releases of Ardour 3 and Kdenlive to the DVD image has ballooned into a major update encompassing many of the main applications and bringing the best of what is new and happening to Linux audio and video enthusiasts. Changelog: updated to Trulan's Linux kernel with Yamaha THR10 patches and USB 2 audio clock switching patch; complete new 'Dozer' theme and graphics; two new menu sections for audio and video utilities...." Continue to the release announcement to read the complete changelog. Download the live DVD image from here: avlinux6.0.1-lxde-i386-en.iso (3,115MB, MD5, torrent).
AV Linux 6.0.1 发布,包含大量多媒体制作软件的Linux发行