FreeBSD 9.2-BETA1 发布

jopen 12年前

FreeBSD是类UNIX操作系统,它基于加州伯克利大学的“4.4BSD-Lite”发行并带有一些“4.4BSD-Lite2”增强,面向i386、amd64、IA-64、arm、MIPS、powerpc、ppc64、PC-98、UltraSPARC等平台。它还间接地基于“386BSD”,此乃William Jolitz对加州伯克利大学的“Net/2”往i386系统上的移植,尽管如今只有极少的代码保留下来。FreeBSD被全世界的公司、因特网服务提供商、科研人员、计算机专家、学生、家庭用户等用于他们的工作、教育、娱乐中。FreeBSD带有20000多个软件包,它们是预编译和打包好了、便于安装的软件,并覆盖了广阔的应用领域:服务器软件、数据库和网页服务器、桌面软件、游戏、网络浏览器和商务软件,而这一切都是免费和易于安装的。
FreeBSD 9.2-BETA1 发布
Glen Barber has announced the availability of the initial beta build of FreeBSD 9.2 which, according to the release schedule, should become the new stable release on 31 August 2013:

" The first beta build of the 9.2-RELEASE release cycle is now available on the FTP servers for the amd64, i386, and ia64 architectures. If you notice problems you can report them through the normal GNATS PR system or here on the -stable mailing list. If you would like to use SVN to do a source based update of an existing system use "stable/9". Please be aware that cvsup and CVS are both deprecated, and are not supported methods of updating the src/ tree. Important note to freebsd-update(8) users - due to a last-minute problem found in the 9.2-BETA1 freebsd-update(8) builds, freebsd-update(8) is NOT supported for 9.2-BETA1 upgrades. Please do not use freebsd-update(8) to upgrade to 9.2-BETA1."

Here is the brief release announcement.

Download: FreeBSD-9.2-BETA1-amd64-disc1.iso (700MB, SHA256), FreeBSD-9.2-BETA1-i386-disc1.iso (580MB, SHA256).
FreeBSD 9.2-BETA1 发布