10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

jopen 10年前

Javascript Minify Tool

10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

Minifying Javascript takes the pretty, well formed JS code that you have written and removes the spacing, indentation, newlines, and comments. These arie not required for Javascript to run successfully. It also makes the Javascript more difficult to read when viewing the source.


10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

Jiko is a modern and easy to use template engine for Javascript. Its objective is to provide to Javascript programmers a way to write templates with an engine as powerful as server-side state of the art template engines like Jinja and Mako.



10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

Headroom.js is a lightweight, high-performance JS widget (with no dependencies!) that allows you to react to the user’s scroll. The header on this site is a living example, it slides out of view when scrolling down and slides back in when scrolling up.



10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具



10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具


10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

Complexity is the quality of consisting of many interrelated parts. When software consists of many interrelated parts, it becomes more difficult to reason about. Software that is difficult to reason about is a more fertile breeding ground for bugs than software that is simple.




10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

Chance is a minimalist generator of random strings, numbers, etc. to help reduce some monotony particularly while writing automated tests or anywhere else you need anything random.



10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

Lazy-loading works by only loading the assets needed when the elements ‘would’ be in view, which it’ll get from the server for you upon request, which is automated by simply changing the image src attribute.


Object Playground

10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具




10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

By preferring code over configuration, gulp keeps things simple and makes complex tasks manageable.



10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

10 个最好的实用开发者Javascript工具

Grasp is a command line utility that allows you to search and replace your JavaScript code – but unlike programs such as grep or sed, it searches the structure behind your code (the abstract syntax tree), rather than simply the text you’ve written.