
jopen 11年前

Swift Tutorials for Beginners

As the name suggests, this is for those people who have no working knowledge of Swift at all. If you are one of those people, you may want to go through these tutorials. You will be walked through the basic routine of app creation and you will have an interesting learning experience.


Swift Programming Tutorial for iOS 8 – Introduction

This is an entire website that is dedicated to mastering the art of mobile applications. It was about time that they would come up with such a handsome amount of very useful tutorials that is targeted at novice developers. Various topics are covered including syntax, operators, control statements and data types.


Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Swift

As you probably are aware, Treehouse is one of the leading websites online that offer a lot of learning material. They have come up with a beginner’s guide to the language and it focuses on variables, strings, collection types, arrays, dictionaries, control flow, and simple function.


Swift Tutorial: A Quick Start

This particular tutorial, as the name suggests, is a quick start guide. It is a fifteen minute tutorial that will walk you through the basics of what you can achieve with Swift. It focuses on variables and constant, control flow, classes and methods, arrays and loops and, dictionaries. Of course, you will need prior developing knowledge.


Swift Tutorial Part 2: A Simple iOS App

This is the second part of the tutorial that will focus on creating an application model, creating views, managing a view controller, connection of said view controllers to the view, connecting actions to view controllers and connecting view controllers to the model.


The Swift Programming Language

This resource is available via iBooks that you can download for Mac OS and iOS. It covers all the essentials that you will require to work successfully with the language. It will also provide you with various coding examples that you will then able to use in your practical work.


Introduction to Swift

If you are not a big fan of eBooks, perhaps videos will be more helpful to you. Of course, videos do tend to generate increased interest which makes it an interesting learning process. Click on the link above to access the video tutorials, and follow that up by a video playlist that you will be directed to automatically on 油Tube.

The Swift Blog

If there is anything one requires to master a particular thing, it is a blog. Sure enough, Swift by Apple has a dedicated blog of its own where members of the community contribute significantly to solve your queries and help each other out. Definitely a great source for learning.


iOS8 – How to use Objective-C Classes in Swift

As the name suggests, you should be able to incorporate your Objective-C knowledge into Swift using these tutorials. It was previously mentioned that Swift is compatible with various other languages, and Objective-C is one of those languages. You should be able to add Objective-C Header, build a class, add a class to bridging-header and user your objects.


Introduction to Swift for Non-Programmers

As mentioned before, Swift aims at simplifying the entire process of coding and what not. This particular tutorial is for those who have no knowledge of programming whatsoever. As it is a simplification tool, even beginners can learn with no prior computing knowledge using this resource.



This is a collection of sources regarding where you can learn more about Swift. This is the place to visit if you are thirsty for knowledge and are looking to master the language. The database will provide you with various references from around the web so you can expand your knowledge.



This particular resource is quite similar to the one mentioned above. In that, it is collection of resources where you can find videos, libraries and screencasts of Swift. This will allow for easy and interactive learning.



SwiftLang is a huge pile resources from around the web which will allow you to immerse yourself completely in acquiring knowledge owing to its vast databases.


Swift Cheat Sheet

Syntax is perhaps one of the hardest things to learn about a new language, and this particular resource will provide you with a lot of syntax with reference to Swift. It can be used for quick reference if you find yourself forgetting a few things.

Build Your First App with Swift

By now, you may have visited a few resources above to learn the basics of the language. You can follow the link to this resource in order to start developing your first application using Swift.


Building a Simple OS X Application With Swift

This is a video screencast that lasts for ten minutes. It focuses on how easy Swift is to use.

Drawing With Swift in Playgrounds

One of the primary feature of Swift is the Playground. It is basically a render of whatever you have coded until the time you enter the Playground. Kind of like a live result of what you are coding.

Creating a To-do List App using Swift

While there are several to-do lists applications available in the App Store, if, at any time, you feel like creating your own, just follow this video to learn exactly how to do that.

Developing iOS 8 Apps with Swift

iOS8 is almost here and in its essence, you will want to learn how to create applications for that operating system. Use this resource to learn just how to do that.


Swift on StackOverflow

Finally, we have this amazing resource that should help you in case you run into bugs while developing a particular application. Bugs are unavoidable while coding, so you may want to bookmark this resource.
