Apache ActiveMQ 5.7.0 发布,Java开源消息中间件
Squid 12年前
今天 Apache ActiveMQ 5.7.0发布,这次发布的主要目的是兼容Java 7兼容。 该项目虽然使用JDK 6构建,但经测试在Java 7上正常工作。由于ActiveMQ现在使用 Camel 2.10,所以需要增加对Java 7的支持。
- 安全 WebSocket (wss) 传输 – 这意味着,现在可以从浏览器直接安全地连到broker。详细信息请查看here
- Broker 重新传递 – which allows you to define redelivery policy such that broker will resend a message to a different consumer in case that processing fails. Here you can find more information on when you’d want to use this feature and how.
我们也提高了我们的存储锁定机制,所以现在是完全可插拔的(completely pluggable.)This means that locking is not tied to the store itself, but it’s separately configured. And also you can tune it or implement new locking strategies to suit your environment. We also provided a new database locker, called Lease Database Locker, which should do much better job for JDBC master slave scenarios.
ActiveMQ 是最流行的,能力强劲的开源消息总线。ActiveMQ 是一个完全支持JMS1.1和J2EE 1.4规范的 JMS Provider实现