JMS 消息服务器,ActiveMQ 5.12.1 发布
ActiveMQ 是Apache出品,最流行的,能力强劲的开源消息总线。ActiveMQ 是一个完全支持JMS1.1和J2EE 1.4规范的 JMS Provider实现,尽管JMS规范出台已经是很久的事情了,但是JMS在当今的J2EE应用中间仍然扮演着特殊的地位。
ActiveMQ 5.12.1 发布,更新内容如下:
[AMQ-5958] - Update Commons Pool2 to latest
[AMQ-5721] - Update AMQ to commons-pool2
[AMQ-5861] - Unable to create connection factory using jms:create
[AMQ-5926] - Missing transitive dependency
[AMQ-5933] - NullPointerException in SelectorAwareVirtualTopicInterceptor
[AMQ-5944] - Update commons-pool2 to handle OSGi classloading issue
[AMQ-5951] - failover maxReconnect=0 url can block on reconnect
[AMQ-5959] - NullPointerException in finally blocks
[AMQ-5967] - Temporary disk usage check doesn't take into account what its already using
[AMQ-5968] - schedulerSupport
[AMQ-5972] - Policy entries not applied in correct order
[AMQ-5983] - Restoring MQTT client virtual topic queue uses wrong prefix.
[AMQ-5990] - PooledConnectionFactory does not allow disabling JMX on GenericKeyObjectPool
[AMQ-5994] - Broker can't recover Durable Subscription on index deletion
[AMQ-5996] - Durable subscription no updated when reactivated sub changes noLocal value
[AMQ-6002] - MQTT virtual topic strategy doesn't escape client id properly
[AMQ-6004] - TcpTransportServer#socketHandlerThread should be intterrupted to stop the socket handler (daemon) thread
[AMQ-5920] - Improve performance of virtual topic fanout
[AMQ-5941] - "The ra.xml <resourceadapter-class> class 'org.apache.activemq.ra.ActiveMQResourceAdapter' should implement but does not.> "
[AMQ-5949] - does not provide guaranteed message forwarding
[AMQ-5997] - MQTT legacy client support
[AMQ-6001] - AMQP: Refill sender credit faster to avoid throttling fast producers