Puppy Linux的姊妹项目,Quirky 5.4.91 发布

jopen 12年前

Quirky是Puppy Linux的姊妹项目,是用一份叫Woof的定制工具创建的Linux发行。其下层的基础构造,例如启动和关机脚本、配制工具、硬件检测、桌面管理、用户界面、加速及一般化的易用性管理等,对所有用Woof创建的发行而言都是共同的,但是,一次专门的创建将会拥有一套不同的软件包选取及进一步的定制(甚至是完全不同的二进制软件包)。Quirky由Puppy Linux和Woof的创始人开发,以挑战极限,在下层基础构造上尝试一些新颖的想法——而它们当中有些可能是激进的或奇异的,正如Quirky这个名字所意味。
Puppy Linux的姊妹项目,Quirky 5.4.91 发布
Barry Kauler, the founder of Puppy Linux, has released a new stable build of Quirky, a minimalist distribution that attempts to explore new avenues and implement unusual ideas. This release of Quirky doesn't come as live CD image, but rather as a single kernel file that needs to be downloaded and then booted via an existing bootloader (instructions included). From the release notes: " It has been a very long time since the last official release of Quirky. Yes, despite the rather odd version number, this is a new public official release of Quirky. These are two ideas/features to play with in Quirky 5.4.91: absolutely everything built into a single (126 MB) file; f2fs (Flash Friendly File System). The idea was developed by the Linux kernel developers, in which an 'initial file system' can be built into the kernel. Various people, including myself, toyed with building all of Puppy into the kernel." Download the kernel file from ibiblio.org: quirky-5.4.91/kernel.qky (126MB, MD5).
Puppy Linux的姊妹项目,Quirky 5.4.91 发布