Puppy Linux 5.6 "Precise" 发布

jopen 12年前

Puppy Linux是另外一种Linux发行。它的不同之处在于,Puppy是格外的小,然而又充满了特性。Puppy能从64M的存储设备启动,并且,整套系统 都能在内存中运行。有很多自启动运行光盘的Linux发行,它们需要不停地从光盘读取数据才能运行,Puppy与它们不一样,Puppy整个装载在内存 中。这意味着,所有的应用程序一眨眼的功夫就能启动,并且立即对用户的输入作出响应。Puppy Linux能从flash卡或者是任何的USB存储设备启动(这是flash-Puppy),或者光盘(这是live-Puppy),或者Zip disk及LS/120/240 Superdisk(这是zippy-Puppy),或者软盘(这是floppy-Puppy),或者硬盘(这是hard-Puppy)。它甚至可以使用 一张多区段烧录的CD-R/DVD-R以将所有内容保存回CD/DVD中。
Puppy Linux 5.6
Bary Kauler has announced the release of Puppy Linux 5.6 "Precise" edition, a minimalist distribution and live CD featuring a customised Openbox window manager and built from Ubuntu 12.04 binary packages: " It's out! Our latest and greatest Puppy. Relative to Precise Puppy 5.5, this latest pup brings some exciting new features, including a new X.Org video wizard (with forced-reboot recovery mechanism), new non-PAE 3.2.44 kernel with lots of analog modem drivers (making this an excellent pup for those still on dial-up Internet), many more applications internationalized, many applications upgraded, lots of bug fixes, and so on. Plus, a huge number of fixes and improvements at the infrastructure/system level. In all, a great new version of the Precise series." Read the release announcement and release notes for more information. Download the live CD image from the ibiblio.org repository: precise-5.6.iso (170MB, MD5).
<IMG title="Puppy Linux" border=1 hspace=6 alt="Puppy Linux 5.6 " vspace=6 src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/5ff7ad93de5414ac965b15ec7620dfc5.png" width=480 height=384 发布?="" precise?="">