常用的C++类库,cxxtools 2.1.1 发布
openkk 13年前
该版本修复了 2.1 中的一些 bug,没有增加新特性,二进制兼容 2.1 版本。 <br /> <br /> <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958340574382171768" target="_blank">cxxtools </a>是一种会经常使用的C++类库,主要的功能有:参数解析、BASE64编码解码、iconv接口、MD5编码、线程处理、Socket处理、动态异常安全的缓冲、dlopen\dlsym的封装、连接池模版、HTTP编程中的参数封装等。 <ul> <li>template-language to embed c++-code in html similar to PHP, JSP, ASP or Mason </li> <li>component-concept allows modularisation of webapplications </li> <li>multithreaded with a dynamic worker-pool for best performance </li> <li>compile a web-application including graphics in one single shared library for easy deployment </li> <li>web-applications are native code </li> <li>html-form parameters are parsed and are easily accessible </li> <li>automatic session-handling </li> <li>use external C++-classes and libraries </li> <li>support for file-uploads </li> <li>support for i18n of webapplications - single codebase for different languages </li> <li>enhanced security, because no compiler or interpreter nor source-code is needed on the server </li> <li>ssl-support </li> </ul>