C++的IO类库,MeteoIO 2.2.0 发布
jopen 13年前
<p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958327256818246059" target="_blank">MeteoIO </a>是一个跨平台的 C++ 库,提供数据的格式化和协议无关的数据访问,提供安全可靠的I/O处理。</p> <p>MeteoIO 2.2.0 发布,该版本主要改进内容有:</p> <ul> <li>Temporal resampling and reaccumulation have been redesigned, fixing major behavior inconsistencies and leading to major speed improvements. </li> <li> Inconsistencies in the filters<span class="truncate_more"> have also been fixed, and new filters added. <br /> </span></li> <li><span class="truncate_more">Two new plugins have been developed to read GRIB files and to write PNGs. <br /> </span></li> <li><span class="truncate_more">The grid handling API has been significantly improved to become more generic. <br /> </span></li> <li><span class="truncate_more">Lots of small bugs have been fixed, and lots of code has been cleaned up and reorganized.<br /> </span></li> </ul>