HTML 移动端框架,Framework7 1.4.0 发布
Framework7 或者叫 F7 是全功能的绑定 iOS 7 应用的 HTML 框架。Framework7 是免费开源的 HTML 移动端框架,用来开发混合移动端应用或者 iOS 7 的 Web 应用,并且带有 iOS 7 的原生外观和感觉。Framework7 也是独立的原型应用工具。
Framework7 使用 Javascript,CSS 和 HTML 来创建 iOS 7 应用,支持多个平台的迁移(PhoneGap),但是不是支持所有平台,主要还是针对 iOS 7。
1. Clone 或者下载 Framework7 库
2. 修改 Kitchen Sink 绑定到应用中,或者从 dist/ 下的文件夹绑定
新增移动端友好 "Autocomplete" 组件
新增 "Progress Bar" 组件
新增 "Swipeable Tabs" 组件
Material 主题
parameter is deprectated and replaced with the new onematerialPreloaderHtml
Fixed issue with Notifications closing without animation in webkit browsers
New "Scrollable Tabbar" Tabbar modification. Allows to swipe/scroll through tab links if they all don't fit into view
New "Bottom Toolbar" Toolbar modification. It allows to use Toolbar on the bottom of screen instead of only on the top
New "Speed dial" Floating Action Button transition when it shows additional action buttons by tapping on it
New "Popover Morph" Floating Action Button transition when it morphs to Popover by tapping on it
Reworked "Preloader" in favor of plain HTML elements animation instead of SVG which has visual issues on "slow" devices.
Added option to trigger multiple events using space separated syntax
.trigger('event1 event2 event3')
Fixed Calendar dates ordering on iOS in Date Range Picker mode
Swiper updated to latest 3.2.7 version:
New "Auto Height" mode when container/wrapper adopts to the height of currently active slide. Can be enabled with
autoHeight: true
parameter -
Numerous minor improvements
Custom Build
Added "progressbar" and "autcomplete" modules
Numerous minor fixes and improvements