HTML5 移动应用框架,ionic 1.2.0 发布
Ionic,是一个前端框架,帮助开发人员利用 HTML5, CSS3 和 JavaScript 等技术开发类似于原生的移动应用。
这个框架附带 SASS与各种 AngularJS 扩展和许多组件如:按钮,切换,页眉/页脚,标签栏ionic 1.2.0 发布,更新如下: 特性:
$ionicSlideBoxDelegate: add
parameter to next()/previous() (b3c086eb, closes #3493) -
NavView: support ControllerAs syntax for ion-nav-views.. Cloese #3651 This adds support f (a665d1d2, closes #3058, #2499)
angular: Upgrade to Angular 1.4 (355bf6a9)
buttons: more v2 like buttons (21e54be6)
clearCache: clearCache returns a promise (336c3882, closes #3724)
collectionRepeat: in grid, use height of tallest item in row (40bedd7d, closes #3387)
config: add support for gps and sms links This makes the url patterns follow the whiteli (489e108c, closes #4305)
forms: remove need for . #4735 (63839333)
gestures: add dragstart and dragend gestures (7679690f)
goBack: specify how many views to go back (63a0834d)
keyboard: easily disable/re-enable keyboard (f7db8c3f, closes #2285)
platform: warn on lack of deviceready. (128bb78b, closes #4723)
sideMenu: add menu open and close events (dbd5881e)
slide-box: New slide box. (a8f23664)
spinner: Allow ionSpinner default to be set by ionicConfigProvider (cf338cf2, closes #3877)
statusbar: scroll to top on statusbar native event. (37918a2d, closes #4724)
swipeBack: disable swipe back per view (c602cde8, closes #3470)
test: Add codecoverage feedback to karma using istanbul. (e5e410a3, closes #4055, #4056)
wp10: Hide scrollbar automatically. #4728 (fe7eea02)