Tanglu 2.0 Beta 2 发布
Tanglu是基于Debian的Linux发行,它旨在向普通用户和发烧友提供最佳的桌面体验。与Debian GNU/Linux相比,Tanglu计划提供大量用户友好的、面向桌面的特性,比如可用的新软件、对额外固件的缺省包含,以及基于时间的、规律化的发布 周期。
We are excited to announce the release of the second Beta of Tanglu 2 (Bartholomea annulata) today!
The new release brings tons of improvements, most notably GNOME 3.14 with fixed GDM autologin and a fully usable Debian-Installer (d-i).
This means Tanglu can now be installed using the Debian-Installer as well, which supports a lot more features compared to our existing live-installer (which is still available to install Tanglu 2).
We also include the latest bugfix release of KDE 4.11 and updated the KDE applications, which now match the packages currently in Debian unstable/testing.
SDDM remains the default session manager for KDE
For the base system, systemd was upgraded, along with a couple of other components. We now ship with a more recent version of nfs-utils, which still requires some further testing from people using NFS.
Known issues
- Autologin is broken on the KDE flavor live-cd, so if you are asked for a password, just enter "live" to log in.
- When installing using the d-i method, Plymouth does not work and no graphical bootsplash is shown after installation.
If you want to help fixing these issues, feel free to contact us via the tanglu-devel mailinglist or via #tanglu-devel on Freenode.
Reporting bugs
As always, bugs can be reported using our online bugtracker.
Some more screenshots of the upcoming release:
You can get the release from the following mirrors:
We are also generating daily snapshot images of the development version of Tanglu. You can find them in our Downloads section.