Java开发的文本编辑器,RText 2.0.7 发布

jopen 12年前

RText纯Java开发的一个强大,跨平台的程序文本编辑器.支持多种程序语言语法的高亮显示包括:C C++ C#,PHP,HTML,Java JavaScript,Perl,SQL,XML等超过25种语言.
RText 2.0.7 增加对 Visual Basic 的语法高亮,改进了 JavaScript、HTML、PHP 和 JSP 的语法高亮和代码自动完成特性,提升了编辑器的渲染性能。详细内容:

  • Pretty-printing now works for JSON in addition to XML and HTML.
  • The system console plugin now auto-completes file names on pressing tab.
  • HTML, PHP, and JSP have new option, "Automatically add closing tags for HTML tags that require them."
  • The text editor now includes an option to use the system selection colors for selected text and its background.
  • The file chooser and File System Tree plugin now include "Paste" option to copy/paste file lists.
  • Added Visual Basic syntax highlighting.
  • Various code editor fixes and performance improvements.

程序员的本编辑器,RText 2.0.7 发布