Slackel 3.1 "Live Openbox" 发布

jopen 12年前

Slackel是基于Slackware Linux和Salix OS的自启动运行光盘Linux发行,并与两种基础发行完全兼容。它采用Slackware的当前版本和KDE桌面的最新版本。Slackel光盘镜像以两种形式提供:安装型和自启动运行型。
 Slackel 3.1
Dimitris Tzemos has announced the release of Slackel 3.1 "Live Openbox" edition, a lightweight Linux distribution based on Slackware Linux and Salix: " Slackel Live 3.1 Openbox has been released. Includes the live kernel 3.8.8 and lots of updates from Slackware's 'Current' tree. Slackel Live 3.1 Openbox includes the Midori 0.4.9 web browser, Claws-Mail 3.8.1, Transmission, SpaceFM, OpenJRE 7u9, Rhino, IcedTea-Web, Pidgin, gFTP, wicd. AbiWord, Gnumeric and ePDFviewer office applications are included. Whaaw! Media Player is the default movie player, Exaile 3.3.0 is the application to use for managing your music collection, Asunder CD ripper, Bracero for writing CD/DVDs and more. In the graphics section Viewnior 1.3, GIMP 2.8.4 and Scrot the snapshot utility. It is very easy to put Slackel Live 3.1 Openbox in a USB thumb drive." Read the full release announcement for further details. Download: slackellive-openbox-3.1-64.iso (728MB, MD5).
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