Slackel 4.10.5 "KDE Live" 发布

jopen 11年前

Slackel是基于Slackware Linux和Salix OS的自启动运行光盘Linux发行,并与两种基础发行完全兼容。它采用Slackware的当前版本和KDE桌面的最新版本。Slackel光盘镜像以两种形式提供:安装型和自启动运行型。
Dimitris Tzemos has announced the availability of a new Slackel release - a live DVD image featuring KDE 4.10.5 and based on Slackware Linux: "Slackel Live KDE 4.10.5 has been released. Slackel Live KDE 4.10.5 includes the current tree of Slackware Linux and KDE 4.10.5 accompanied by a very rich collection of KDE-centric software. Linux kernel is 3.10.30. Firefox 24.5.0esr is the web browser, KMail and KTorrent are the main networking applications included in this release, followed by Akregator, an RSS reader for KDE, Kopete, the KDE instant messenger and more. It comes also with OpenJRE 7u51, Rhino, IcedTea-Web, GParted. The wicd utility is used for setting up your wired or wireless networking connections. In the multimedia section, Dragon multimedia player, Clementine 1.2.1 and K3b 2.0.2 are included. The Salix codecs installer application can be used to install patent-encumbered codecs." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download (MD5): slackellive-kde-4.10.5-64.iso (1,165MB).
