ALT Linux 7.0.0 "Centaurus", "Simply" 发布

jopen 12年前

ALT Linux创始于2001年,由两个大的俄罗斯自由软件计划合并而来。2008年它成为了一个大的组织,从事自由软件的开发和部署、文档和技术资料撰写、 用户支持及定制产品开发工作。ALT Linux面向不同的目的生产不同类型的发行。这包括面向家庭、办公计算机、企业服务器的各种桌面发行,广泛包含各种开发工具和文档的通用发行,认证产 品,面向教育机构的专用发行,以及面向低端计算机的发行。ALT Linux拥有自己的基础开发设施和软件仓库,称为Sisyphus,它为所有不同类型的ALT Linux提供基础。
ALT Linux 7.0.0
Ilya Mashkin has announced the release of ALT Linux 7.0 "Centaurus" and "Simply" editions. The "Centaurus" variant is a complete enterprise-class operating system featuring the MATE 1.6.0 desktop environment (even though the installation program calls it "GNOME"), while the "Simply" edition is an easy-to-use operating system customised for office workstations and home computers, and featuring the Xfce 4.10 desktop. Besides the usual i586 and x86_64 builds, the "Simply" edition is now also available for the Cubox (based on the Marvell Armada 510 processor) as well as the ARMv7 architecture. English, Russian and several other languages (depending on the edition) are supported.

See the full release announcement (in Russian) for further information.

Download links: altlinux-7.0.0-centaurus-x86_64-ru-live-cd.iso (MATE, 817MB, MD5, torrent), altlinux-7.0.0-centaurus-x86_64-ru-install-dvd5.iso (MATE, 3,312MB, MD5, torrent), altlinux-7.0.0-simply-x86_64-live-dvd5.iso (Xfce, 949MB, MD5, torrent), altlinux-7.0.0-simply-x86_64-install-dvd5.iso (Xfce, 4,393MB, MD5, torrent).
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