ZK 7.0.0 发布,基于Java的Ajax框架
jopen 11年前
ZK7的重点是改进主题系统,带来最强大,灵活而简单的主题引擎,结合最新的CSS3,LESS和Bootstrap 的力量创造最好的体验。
Getting Simpler and Richer
New Feature Highlight
- Please see New Features for more information

Feature Updates
- 120+ off-the-shelf Ajax components
- Tabbox, grid, listbox, tree, menu, combobox, bandbox, datebox, chart, hbox, vbox, window, slider, paging, audio, image, timer, include, iframe...
- Drag-and-drop supported by all components, such that users can drag components and drop them to any other or particular set of components.
- Context menus and customizable tooltips supported by all components, such that a menu or any popup appears when user click, right-click or move the mouse over a component.
- Customizable sorting of listbox, grid and children of any component with 100% Java codes (
). - Auto-completion for combobox.
- Load on demand with writing Java codes.
- Live data for listbox.
- Grids, listboxes and trees with sizable columns.
- All components are cloneable and serializable.
- Validation and formatting for any input components, such as regular expression and
. - 100% Java API of Google Maps, CKeditor, and Timeline components.
- Event-driven, server-centric model
- Ajax requests, application notification, and server push are all managed as events
- Event Queue shields developers from the complexity of Ajax and server push, such as multi-thread programming
- All events are processed at the server. No hurdle to communicate between clients and servers.
- All events are synchronized. No racing condition to worry about. </ul> </li>
- ZK User-interface Markup Language (ZUML).
- Rich user interface could be designed in ZUML as simple as authoring HTML pages.
- Powerful yet intuitive control flow by the
attribute. - Scripting in EL expressions and your favorite scripting languages, include but not limited to Java, JavaScript, Ruby and Groovy.
- Hot changes and updates without restarting your Web applications.
- Annotations that allow a page to access database with zero Java codes. </ul> </li>
- Browser history management.
- Add states to browser's back button history. Then, users can bookmark and use the back and forward button to navigate different states of the same ZK desktop. </ul> </li>
- Simple yet boundless component model.
- POJO components supporting interfaces and clustering. Easy to instantiate and manipulate directly with pure Java, or injected and managed by an AOP framework, such as Spring
- Macro components. Develope full-featured new component by using other ZUML pages.
- Inheritable customization. Developing a new component by extending existent components.
- Seamlessly and easily to encapsulate pure-client components as ZK components with 100% Java API.
- Customizing components with pre-compiled Java classes, or by scripting in your favorite scripting languages, include but not limited to Java, JavaScript, Ruby and Groovy. The choice is yours. </ul> </li>
- Simple yet flexible threading model.
- Thread-safe component handling.
- True server-side Modal dialog.
- Suspend and resume event listeners freely. </ul> </li>
- 100% Customizable User-Interface factory.
- Loading ZUML pages not only from Web contents but also any repository such as database.
- Customizing the features of sessions, desktops and pages. </ul> </li> </ul>
- New Features Tracker
- ZK-19: Support SLF4J API for logging instead
- ZK-550: Server Push: add a Web Socket based implementation
- ZK-1254: Some way to set up the tabs in tabbbox at the bottom or on the right
- ZK-1421: Tab style for tall tabs (ZK CE)
- ZK-1581: Make notification arrow position configurable
- ZK-1687: Portallayout supports row based orientation
- ZK-1721: support redirect with 302 in ZK AU Responses
- ZK-1725: ExtendletLoader should provide debug information
- ZK-1729: Change generic code
- ZK-1796: Make audio component support HTML5
- ZK-1813: LabelImageElement support icon font CSS class instead of Image
- ZK-1815: Upgrade to latest version of jquery
- ZK-1818: Tabbox support vertical-right, horizontal-bottom orient
- ZK-1835: Navigation Components
- ZK-1845: Tabbox - enhance performance with dynamic tabs using MVVM
- ZK-1856: Tree support frozen as grid
- ZK-1866: ZK JSON: improve usability by accepting Collection instead of List
- ZK-1882: Support Richlet with Servlet Filter
- ZK-1883: Upgrade JQuery to 1.10
- ZK-1898: Tree support render on demand
- ZK-1912: Anchor (A) component support preserve-blank
- ZK-1919: ZK Components support static uuid
- ZK-1921: ZK Fileupload component support HTML 5 accept attribute.
- ZK-1924: Clients.scrollIntoView(Component comp) could also adjust horizontal scroll position
- ZK-1956: Support toggle switch to enable or disable tablet UI
- ZK-1968: Support flat design theme
- ZK-1974: Tabbox support take maximal size of all children tabpanels
- ZK-1989: A way to reduce zkbind tracker node memory consumption.
- ZK-1991: AMedia FileDownload support ignore add Content-Disposition to header
- ZK-1992: Multiple selection component(listbox, chosenbox) support extra information for find out added item/removed item
- ZK-2002: Tabbox support ListModel
- ZK-2007: Popup support toggle type
- ZK-2012: zk.ie supports ie11
- ZK-2014: Listbox component support selectAll/unSelectAll event when check/uncheck on select all checkbox
- ZK-2033: Improve Component interface Javadocs to state it is not recommended to implement this interface by the custom component developers
- Bugs fixed
- ZK-1521: support content assist for tag of ZK
- ZK-1565: Dragging listitem to itself will result in the listbox being set as the target
- ZK-1683: endless loop AU-loop in Grid, on Render Exception
- ZK-1709: no
tag definition in zul.xsd - ZK-1853: Audio component doesn't work with Chrome and Firefox
- ZK-1865: MVVM Tree Performance Issue (bigger trees)
- ZK-1879: collapse and open the splitter makes the hbox width no effect in zksandbox combobox case
- ZK-1902: zk.xml theme-provider-class not invoked
- ZK-1911: Text-as with childable cannot work with preserve-blank for component setting
- ZK-1923: Textbox component width is larger than same width Combobox and Datebox components
- ZK-1931: Paging tree detach: takes linear time overhead to the number nodes once rendered
- ZK-1959: The height of arrow should not change when the tabbox add tab
- ZK-1964: Datebox with time cannot be selected when use tablet's device
- ZK-1981: The Sapphire and Silvertail themes contains unpacked slf4j-jdk14.jar
- ZK-1996: Navitem onClick event would trigger twice
- ZK-1998: Listbox using GroupsModel sometimes would not update the select all status.
- ZK-2001: Focus to a chosenbox that place in a listbox shall not change listbox selection
- ZK-2008: Dragging between grids causes JavaScript error
- ZK-2010: Tabbox selection was changed after clicking inside it.
- ZK-2011: tabbox get exception if I set model and addToSelection in onCreate
- ZK-2013: add an item to model always cause whole tabbox be re-rendered.
- ZK-2015: Change the visible of cell component sometimes will fail (IE10 only)
- ZK-2020: Textbox became unmodifiable in IE11 when invalidated
- ZK-2021: Combobox autocomplete performance degrading quadratically with increasing number of comboitems
- ZK-2022: appending a component after its removal fails to initialize bindings
- ZK-2025: Extends ZK component with lang-addon.xml file, zkbind feature doesn't work
- ZK-2026: Datebox always displays the current year when blurred if format = "MM.yyyy"
- ZK-2027: Tabbox model binding (close tab issue)
- ZK-2030: hflex/vflex not always working in ZK7
- ZK-2031: setIimage() doesn't work on Button
- ZK-2032: Caption in Groupbox appear in wrong position when showing with constraint error
</template></ul> </li> </ul> </li>
- ZK-1521: support content assist for tag of ZK
What's New
- ZK 7.0.0 发布,基于Java的Ajax框架
- 基于Java的Ajax框架,ZK 5.0.10 发布
- 基于Java 的 Ajax 开发框架,ZK 6.0.2 发布
- 基于Java实现的Ajax框架 zk 5.0.8 发布
- ZK 7.0.0 Preview 发布,高效的Java Web开发框架
- 基于Java的Ajax框架 ZK 6 开发者预览版发布
- 类似Java Swing的Ajax框架 ZK 6.0.1 发布
- Java Ajax 开发框架,ZK 6.5 发布
- 基于Ajax技术的Web UI开发框架,Vaadin 7.0.0.beta5 发布
- 基于Java的RIA开发框架 ZK 5.0.9 发布