Java开源作业调度框架,Quartz 2.2.2 发布
Quartz是一个Java开源的作业调度框架,用于J2SE和J2EE应用中。它提供了巨大的灵 活性而不牺牲简单性。你能够用它来为执行一个作业而创建简单的或复杂的调度。它有很多特征,如:数据库支持,集群,插件,EJB作业预构 建,JavaMail及其它,支持cron-like表达式等等。
Quartz 2.2.2 发布,此版本更新内容如下:
Bug 修复
[QTZ-191] - JMX has a problem with XA Transactions
[QTZ-292] - Scheduler interface : in the method scheduleJobs , the triggers should be part of a Set instead of a List
[QTZ-310] - Terracotta Quartz assumes the JobDetail interface is JobDetailImpl in DefaultClusterdJobStore
[QTZ-316] - SimpleThreadPool's WorkerThread should not share intrinsic lock with java.lang.Thread class
[QTZ-323] - Unable to customize SimpleThreadPool's worker thread name prefixes
[QTZ-372] - There are two copies of the various DB scripts (and they are out of sync)
[QTZ-378] - Restructure Quartz Jar Files
[QTZ-121] - Create an EJB3 compliant EJB Job invoker
[QTZ-154] - OSGi headers in the MANIFEST
[QTZ-212] - Add schedulerStarting() method to SchedulerListener interface
[QTZ-225] - Make the Scheduler's ClassLoadHelper available to plugins when they are initialized
[QTZ-272] - Add initialize() to ConnectionProvider interface
[QTZ-275] - Allow 'triggerless' initial storing of non-durable jobs.
[QTZ-370] - Override default transaction timeout when beginning new UserTransaction