前端 UI 框架,Semantic UI 1.7.0/1.7.1 发布
Semantic UI—完全语义化的前端界面开发框架,跟 Bootstrap 和 Foundation 比起来,还是有些不同的,在功能特性上、布局设计上、用户体验上均存在很多差异。
Semantic UI 特点:
支持 Sass 和 LESS 动态样式语言
Semantic UI 对浏览器的支持:
Last 2 Versions FF, Chrome, IE (aka 10+)
Safari 6
IE 9+ (Browser prefix only)
Android 4
Blackberry 10
Project - Right-to-left (RTL) support added. New gulp tasks for RTL file generation and install setting. Docs however do not yet support RTL.Thanks @MohammadYounes for constant support with RTL!.
Project - Install now let you specify the outputted file permissions (express/custom install)
Grid - Addedequal widthvariation usingflex-box,equal heightnow also usesflex-box(this may have to be removed if causes unexpected browser issues)
Sidebar - Having a sidebar visible on page load is now much simpler. You can includeui visible sidebaron page load to have a sidebar element appear on page load. To close call$('.ui.sidebar').sidebar('hide')
Sidebar - Added documentation on using sidebar on a custom context. Sidebars using a custom context no longer add background colors like those initialized onbody
Site - Form input highlighting color added (helps differentiate form colors with autocompleted fields). Default text highlighting color moved from highlighter yellow to a mellow blue.
Dropdown - Javascript Dropdown can now be disabled by adding `disabledclass. No need to calldestroy. Thanks Psyton
Dropdown - Search dropdown input can now have backgrounds. Fixes issues with autocompleted search dropdowns which have forced yellow "autocompleted" bg.
Dropdown - Fix issue with search selection not correctly matching when values are not strings
Progress - Progress bars can now display percent or amount left using{value}in text templates
Dropdown - Newupward dropdownvariation, which opens its menu upward. Default animation now uses `settings.transition = 'auto'and determines direction of animation based on menu direction
Dropdown - Dropdown matching fields without values now trims whitespace by default
Checkbox - Checkbox now toggles on spacebar when focused (previously only toggled on enter key).
Popup - Popup now uses its own custom method for determiningoffsetParentmeaning 3D contexts (like inside an animation) no longer should break positioning
Popup - Popup now usespreserve: falseby default, this is slightly less performant but will reduce page clutter caused by leaving generated elements in the DOM
Code / Build
Build -Dist/files now set file permissions in build.644by default. Can adjust insemantic.jsonor during gulp install. You will need to runnpm installto add the new gulp-chmod dependency Thanks @PeterDaveHello
Sidebar -setup layoutnot occurs synchronously if you initialize a sidebar without the proper html. This makes sure calls to sidebar will occur correctly before the page is setup. A new settingdelaySetupwill override this, increasing performance.
Modules - Remove use of deprecated.size()for.lengthacross all modules
Modules - Use of$.proxyswapped to nativefunction.call()for performance gains across all modules
Bugs 修复
Video - Video component now uses//instead of defaulting tohttp
Dropdown -restore defaultswill now set placeholder styling and remove active elemenet. Added example in docs.
Dropdown - Fixed bug where sub menus may sometimes have dropdown icon overlap text
Dropdown - Fixes dropdown search input from filtering text values when input is inside menu, i.e "In-Menu Search"
Dropdown - Fix issue with search selection not correctly creating RegExp when select values are not strings Thanks @alufers
Dropdown - Fix issue withleft floatedandright floatedcontent sometimes not applying correctly
Popup -wideandvery widepopup will now appear when screen size is below theirmax-width
Popup - Popup no longer blurs element on popup hide
Segment -ui tabular menunow correctly aligns with attached segment when using fluid variation Thanks @MohammadYounes
Segment -basic segmentno longer removes padding on first and last elements
Steps - Steps now usetable-cellto allow steps to be equal height by default, even with different content height.
Button - Fix issue with labeled icon groups in material theme
Progress - Fixes bug with progress that usetotalandvaluereceiving the wrong values for text templates
List - Fix some styling issues withui listinsideui menu
Semantic UI 1.7.1 发布,主要是 bug 修复,更新内容如下:
Installer - Fixes installer not including RTL parameter correctly
UI - Fixesprogress,ad, andsidebarnot loading.overridefiles correctly
Removed undocumented components fromtheme.config.example