前端界面开发框架,Semantic UI 2.0.1 发布
Semantic UI—完全语义化的前端界面开发框架,跟 Bootstrap 和 Foundation 比起来,还是有些不同的,在功能特性上、布局设计上、用户体验上均存在很多差异。
Semantic UI 特点:
支持 Sass 和 LESS 动态样式语言
Semantic UI 对浏览器的支持:
Last 2 Versions FF, Chrome, IE (aka 10+)
Safari 6
IE 9+ (Browser prefix only)
Android 4
Blackberry 10
Label - Attached labels now use a border-radius for corner-edges that matches more closely#2500
Label - Fixes incorrect label sizing for large and bigger sizes #2486
Segment - Fixed incorrect margin set on attached segment #2503
Card - centered cards variation now works similar to centered card. #2520
Checkbox - Fixed issue in chrome where radio checkbox would appear incorrectly when no default value was selected #2505
Dropdown - Fixed transparent tap color not being set correctly. Removed toggle behavior from touch events on multiple dropdown. #2524
Checkbox - Fixed issue where radio checkbox were not properly receiving checked class#2506
Tab - Tab now correctly obeys cache setting. Removed use of API's local caching by default.#2493
Form - reset will no longer clear values if no default value is found #2504
Dimmer - Dimmer now removes variations like blurring and inverted when destroy is called.
Dropdown - restore defaults in dropdown when used with multiple will now correctly clear other values selected that were not there on page load.
Dropdown - Removes accidental console.log statement in dropdown
Menu - Fixed pointing menu arrow color slightly off
Progress - Progress included debug: true by default. This has been now correctly set tofalse
Modal - scrolling modal now correctly inherits rules so that it appears at top of screen on mobile
Menu - Inverted menu no longer includes a 1px transparent border.
Menu - Fixes compact vertical menu using flex style incorrectly
Menu - Fixes border-top not appearing on bottom fixed menu
Tab - Fixed bug where remote loaded tab content would not show loading tab on first load.
Form - Clarified usage for reset in form docs #2504
Docs - 1.0 docs are now available at http://1.semantic-ui.com Link in footer has been fixed.
Image - Fixed mini image having wrong pixel size in docs #2521
Image - Added docs for missing fluid image variation
Modal - Removed legacy JS animation settings still accidentally in docs
Tab - Added new examples for evaluateScripts and HTML5 state tabs