Semantic UI 2.0.4 发布,前端界面开发框架

jopen 9年前

Semantic UI 2.0.4 发布,此版本更新内容如下:

报告的 bug 修复:

  • Build Tools - Fixed issue where sub tasks were undefined when importing SUI's build and watch tasks into custom gulpfile #2648

  • Button - Fixed fluid buttons not working correctly with <button> due to button tags not supporting flex rules. #2617

  • Button - Fixed colored vertical basic buttons appearing 2px offset #2655

  • Checkbox - Checkbox now focus after click, allowing for tab navigation from current position #2610

  • Checkbox - Fixed checkbox not using javascript having incorrect colors on focus #2607

  • Dropdown - Fixed search selection appearing incorrectly inside menu (default text would not disappear) #2624

  • Form - Added doesntContain and doesntContainExactly #2638

  • Form - Fixed issue with minLength[1] validation not behaving same as minLength > 2 #2636.

  • Form - Fixes errors when a field identifier is named identifier #2629

  • Form - Form fields will now error when a non-string identifier is used

  • Formatting - Fixed several source files that had CR LF (Windows) line endings #2649

  • Input - Fixed left action input displaying with incorrect input border radius inside ui form #2638

  • Modal - Modal action now uses a more specific selector to prevent modifying comment action

  • Popup - fluid popup with setFluidWidth: true (default value), will now use parent width and not offsetContext width #2526

  • Popup - Fixed issues where rounding could cause elements that are against edge of page from not appearing. Add new jitter setting for allowing popups to escape page boundaries by a small margin #2526

  • Segment - Added additional variables for inverted segment.

  • *Segment - horizontal segments in IE will no longer stretch to the natural width of child imgs #2550 flexbug [#1](h

  • Sidebar - right, top, and bottom sidebar will not have their direction removed on destroy #2644

  • Sticky - Fixed sticky element that cannot fit in viewport not scrolling correctly when fixed to viewport #2605

  • Transition - Fixed issue where animating same element in its own onComplete would fail because animation had not yet called force visible/hidden #2583

  • Visibility - refreshOnResize now correctly includes a default value #2615

  • Menu/Segment/Table - Consolidated attached logic for all components using attached. #2599

其他 bug 修复:

  • Checkbox - Fixed space shortcut causing checkbox to trigger twice

  • Checkbox - Updated colored theme to add new focus color variables.

  • Popup - wide and very wide popup will now limit themselves to normal popup widths on mobile so that they still appear on screen.

  • Message - Fixes attached icon message not using flex

  • Sticky - Fixed sticky content jumping from fixed to bount bottom when scroll position has surpassed bottom of container during page refresh.

  • Sticky - Sticky no longer uses bottomPadding to determine bottom edge of container.

  • Steps - Updated basic steps theme to appear correctly


  • Fixed theme previews appearing incorrectly in all UI in docs. Regex parsing .variable files would ignore first variable after a comment.

  • Added individual examples of all form validation rules

  • Partial rewrite of sidebar documentation

  • Added attached examples to examples/

  • Updated example in theme guide to include checkbox focus colors


Semantic UI—完全语义化的前端界面开发框架,跟 Bootstrap 和 Foundation 比起来,还是有些不同的,在功能特性上、布局设计上、用户体验上均存在很多差异。

Semantic UI 特点:

  • 文档和演示非常完善

  • 易于学习和使用

  • 配备网格布局

  • 支持 Sass 和 LESS 动态样式语言

  • 有一些非常实用的附加配置,例如inverted类。

  • 对于社区贡献来说是比较开放的。

  • 有一个非常好的按钮实现,情态动词,和进度条。

  • 在许多功能上使用图标字体。

Semantic UI 对浏览器的支持:

  • Last 2 Versions FF, Chrome, IE (aka 10+)

  • Safari 6

  • IE 9+ (Browser prefix only)

  • Android 4

  • Blackberry 10

Semantic UI 2.0.4 发布,前端界面开发框架