77行Go语言代码写成的Multiplayer NES游戏服务器

chuanqiyu 9年前

来自: https://github.com/olahol/melody-jsnes?url_type=39&object_type=webpage&pos=1


Super simplistic Multiplayer NES server in Go.

melody-jsnes is a demo project showing off Go's real-time web app capabilities. Its design is straight forward, it just snapshots the canvas of player one and sends it to player two and sends back inputs from player two. Images data goes in direction, key codes in the other.


You will need to have at least one NES ROM with the extension .nes .

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/olahol/melody-jsnes  $ go get  $ go build  $ ./melody-jsnes  $ $BROWSER http://localhost:5000


  • Ola Holmström (@olahol)
  • Chris Cacciatore (@cacciatc)