通用的go语言对象池:Go Commons Pool
Go commons pool是一个通用的go语言对象池,基于Java版本的Apache Commons Pool改写。Go commons pool实现了Java版本的主要功能,改写了大多数Java版本的测试用例,测试覆盖率达到90%,性能测试结果和Java版本的相近,已经可以用于生产环境,于是发布1.0版本。
Go commons pool保留了Java版本的主要功能,包括:
- 自定义的 PooledObjectFactory.
- 丰富的设置选项,可以精确控制对象的生命周期。详细参看ObjectPoolConfig。
- 对象池是否是 LIFO (后进先出) 或者是 FIFO (先进先出)
- 对象池的容量控制
- 对象池对象的验证配置
- 获取对象时是否阻塞以及最大等待时间配置
- 对象池对象的回收机制配置(支持后台定时任务检测回收)
- 对象池对象的抛弃机制配置(主要用于防止对象池对象借出后未归还,导致对象泄露)
但不包含以下Apache commons pool的功能:
- KeyedObjectPool 实现
- ProxiedObjectPool 实现
- 对象池的统计功能
Go commons pool 最主要的应用场景是各种连接池,当前Go下的各种缓存或数据库(比如redis/memcached)都自己实现了一个功能不太完备的连接池(比如缺少超时设置等),如果通过Go commons pool可以支持更丰富的设置。
Pool Configuration Option
Configuration option table, more detail description see ObjectPoolConfig
Option | Default | Description |
Lifo | true | If pool is LIFO (last in, first out) |
MaxTotal | 8 | The cap of pool |
MaxIdle | 8 | Max "idle" instances in the pool |
MinIdle | 0 | Min "idle" instances in the pool |
TestOnCreate | false | Validate when object is created |
TestOnBorrow | false | Validate when object is borrowed |
TestOnReturn | false | Validate when object is returned |
TestWhileIdle | false | Validate when object is idle, see TimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis |
BlockWhenExhausted | true | Whether to block when the pool is exhausted |
MaxWaitMillis | -1 | Max block time, less than 0 mean indefinitely |
MinEvictableIdleTimeMillis | 1000 * 60 * 30 | Eviction configuration,see DefaultEvictionPolicy |
SoftMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis | math.MaxInt64 | Eviction configuration,see DefaultEvictionPolicy |
NumTestsPerEvictionRun | 3 | The maximum number of objects to examine during each run evictor goroutine |
TimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis | -1 | The number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the evictor goroutine, less than 0 mean not run |
//use create func pool := NewObjectPoolWithDefaultConfig(NewPooledObjectFactorySimple( func() (interface{}, error) { return &MyPoolObject{}, nil })) obj, _ := pool.BorrowObject() pool.ReturnObject(obj) //use custom Object factory type MyObjectFactory struct { } func (this *MyObjectFactory) MakeObject() (*PooledObject, error) { return NewPooledObject(&MyPoolObject{}), nil } func (this *MyObjectFactory) DestroyObject(object *PooledObject) error { //do destroy return nil } func (this *MyObjectFactory) ValidateObject(object *PooledObject) bool { //do validate return true } func (this *MyObjectFactory) ActivateObject(object *PooledObject) error { //do activate return nil } func (this *MyObjectFactory) PassivateObject(object *PooledObject) error { //do passivate return nil } pool := NewObjectPoolWithDefaultConfig(new(MyObjectFactory)) pool.Config.MaxTotal = 100 obj, _ := pool.BorrowObject() pool.ReturnObject(obj)
more example please see pool_test.go and example_test.go
PooledObjectFactory.MakeObject must return a pointer, not value. The following code will complain error.
pool := NewObjectPoolWithDefaultConfig(NewPooledObjectFactorySimple( func() (interface{}, error) { return "hello", nil })) obj, _ := pool.BorrowObject() pool.ReturnObject(obj)
The right way is:
pool := NewObjectPoolWithDefaultConfig(NewPooledObjectFactorySimple( func() (interface{}, error) { var stringPointer = new(string) *stringPointer = "hello" return stringPointer, nil }))
more example please see example_test.go
- testify for test
The results of running the pool_perf_test is almost equal to the java version PerformanceTest
go test --perf=true
For Apache commons pool user
- Direct use pool.Config.xxx to change pool config
- Default config value is same as java version
- If TimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis changed after ObjectPool created, should call ObjectPool.StartEvictor to take effect. Java version do this on set method.
- No KeyedObjectPool
- No ProxiedObjectPool
- No pool stats (TODO)
How to contribute
- Choose one open issue you want to solve, if not create one and describe what you want to change.
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Write code to solve the issue.
- Create PR and link to the issue.
- Make sure test and coverage pass.
- Wait maintainers to merge.
Go Commons Pool is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.