This repository contains sample code intended to demonstrate the capabilities of the RecyclerView layout manager APIs. It is not intended to be used as-is in applications as a library dependency, and will not be maintained as such. Bug fix contributions are welcome, but issues and feature requests will not be addressed.
Example Contents
The following bits can be found in the main sample application:
- Implementation ofLinearLayoutManagerandGridLayoutManagerfor vertical and horizontal scrolling.
- Custom ItemDecorations
- InsetDecoration- Create an inset margin on all child views.
- DividerDecoration- Create an inset margin and draw dividers below vertical child views.
- GridDividerDecoration- Create an inset margin an draw dividers along grid lines
- Custom LayoutManager
- FixedGridLayoutManager- Similar toStaticGridLayoutManager, but with a controllable column count. </ul> </li> </ul>
- Custom LayoutManagers
- StaticGridLayoutManager- 2D scrolling grid with variable column count based on data set. Window of visible (non-recycled) views is determined statically.
- DynamicGridLayoutManager- 2D scrolling grid where window of visible views is determined dynamically. Results in fewer views in memory, but scrolling performance is questionable.
The following examples are incubating on theexperimentalbranch (these mostly work, if you feel like living dangerously):