HTML5 2D 游戏引擎:Coffee2D

jopen 10年前

Coffee2D 是一个 HTML5 游戏引擎,它将开发 HTML5 Canvas 游戏中大量的工作抽象出来,例如 CoffeeScript 特性(如 class 关键字)来更好的与游戏和 CoffeeScript 集成。

Coffee2D 当前提供:

  • 简单场景图

  • 精灵渲染

  • 事件处理

  • 动画

  • Isometric 地图


class Card extends Component    constructor: (@suit, @value) ->      super()      @setSize(50, 80)      # the rectangle will be drawn automatically      @addChild new Rect 0, 0, @size.w, @size.h, 'white'       update: (dt) ->      # dt is delta time passed since last update      # (update stuff...)      super()       draw: (ctx) ->      # ctx is the canvas context associated with this scene      # (draw additional stuff other than the rectangle...)      super()


# event origin is automatically set to unit  unit.dispatchEvent {type: 'kill', target: enemy}  enemy.addListener 'kill', (evt) -> if == enemy then enemy.die()     # can also fire events from Event class, origin will not be set  Event.dispatchEvent {type: 'init'}
